The Legacy of George W. Bush - 2
M. Orhan Tarhan

September 7, 2007
Some of my readers have objected that I had mentioned in the previous letter too few of President George W. Bush’s doings and asked me to make a more complete presentation of his legacy. This article will try to remedy that.

The previous article was discussing mostly foreign events. This article will discuss mostly domestic events.

In 2,000 the United States had a budgetary surplus. This year we have several hundred billion dollars of debt.

The main common characteristics of President George W. Bush’s domestic doings is that they infringe either some laws or even our constitution. Although it is his job to implement the constitution and the laws of the United States, he did not stop before any law or the constitution to do what is in his mind.

Years ago the United States signed the Geneva Convention for regulating the treatment of prisoners of war. President Bush did not respect this convention in the treatment of prisoners in the War on Terrorism. Many American military officers are worried, that in a future war, our opponents also will not adhere to the Geneva Convention and will mistreat and torture our soldiers who have been taken as prisoners.

The Government in the United States can legally listen to some one’s phone if there is a security reason and if a U.S. court gives a special permission. To listen to communications between Al Qaeda and some one in the Unites States, President Bush was allowing his people to listen to everyone’s phone without a court permission. Recently the Democrats signed a law that allowed him to make his doings legal.

There are laws to prevent the flow of Mexican illegal immigrants through our Southern borders. The Bush government did not apply these laws and let the illegal immigrants invade the United States to benefit corporations who hire this cheap labor. The illegal immigrants are estimated to be a least 15 million. Actually, it was the President’s duty to apply the laws.

It is reported that the Bush government is preparing the North-American union without even the knowledge of the Congress. The North-American Union will unite Canada, the United States, and Mexico. If true, that is a terrible breach of the oath of the President. Of course, the North-American Union will increase the profit of the corporation at the expense of U.S. citizens. Can you imagine what would be the result of merging the mostly socialist state of Canada and the messy incompetent state of Mexico with that of the United States?

Eight U.S. prosecutors who treated democrats judiciously, and did not harass them, as President Bush wished they did, were fired by the Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.

For that, Mr. Gonzales got in terrible trouble with the Democrats and finally, there was no way to defend him and he just resigned.

In spite of the clear cut separation of Church and State in our constitution, President Bush inaugurated assistance ton faith-based organizations and implemented it since the beginning of his tenure. Unfortunately, Democrats did not attempt to stop it.

Finally, our good friend Bob Dickie has the following to add to President Bush’s legacy: “Achievement related to our legacy debt, dismantling of our national infrastructure, health care, safety regulations, and husbanding of natural resources… all of which would restrict business profits if controlled in any way.â€