Updated AOL Straw Poll

For the Republican side

Ron Paul is winning in 43 of the 50 states with

Romney taking Utah

Giuliani taking New York and New Jersey and Conn.

Huckabee is taking Ark, Miss. and North Carolina

Ron Paul like I said has the 0ther 43 states with 30% of the vote 60,183 votes

2nd place - Giuliani with 17% of the vote 34,849 votes 3 states

3rd place - Huckabee with 16% of the vote 33,287 votes 3 states

4th place - McCain with 15% of the vote 29,486 votes

5th place - Romney with 13% of the vote 26,087 votes 1 state

6th place - Thompson with 8% of the vote 16,878 votes

7th place - Hunter with 1% of the vote 2,170 votes

Total Votes: 202,940

Among the Democrats

1st place - Clinton with 46% of the vote 84,582 votes 44 states

2nd place - Obama with 27% of the vote 50,930 votes 4 states and DC
Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Hawaii and DC

3rd place - Edwards with 16% of the vote 29,221 votes

4th place - Biden with 4% of the vote 7,250 votes

5th place - Kucinich with 4% of the vote 6,600 votes 3 states
Alaska, Montana, Wyoming

6th place - Richardson with 2% of the vote 4,956 votes

7th place - Dodd with 1% of the vote 1,108 votes

8th place - Gravel with 1% of the vote 940 votes

Total Votes: 185,577

Updated at 12:40 PM 30 December

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