Lou Dobbs Tonight
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

*Tonight, President-elect Barack Obama is meeting with
governors from across the country. Obama says he plans to keep
states in mind when tackling the nation’s recession. We’ll
have that story and much more.

*Plus, one Connecticut hedge fund is suing to block help
for struggling homeowners. The fund says helping those
homeowners would cut its own profits. We’ll have all the
details on this latest battle in the War on the Middle Class.

Lou’s nationally-syndicated talk radio show, The Lou Dobbs
Show, debuted this spring. Join us weekdays for news and
politics aimed at independent thinkers. Visit LouDobbsRadio.com
to check your local listings or listen live online.

Tuesday’s guests include ARIAN CAMPO-FLORES, the Miami bureau
chief for Newsweek magazine. He’ll talk to Lou about the
rampant drug-related violence in Juarez, Mexico, and how it
threatens the United States.

If you’re a Republican, how do you feel about the future? Is
this a time for renewal—or a time to simply bury your head in
the sand? Lou will take the political temperature of veteran
GOP strategist ED ROLLINS, who has a few thoughts to share on
what’s ahead for his party.

And KATHRYN JENSEN, the vice president of “Let’s Bring Em