Dear Friend,
We have just learned that Senate leaders have revived their massive
immigration bill that intends to give amnesty to millions. They plan
bring it back onto the floor of the Senate next week. And pass it by
Memorial Day. Think phones!

Senators Frist and Reid have brokered the deal, and the White House is
congratulating them. This smells like trouble for America. Their plan
to get the open border Republicans to join the Democrats to pass the

They also agreed to pack the conference committee with 26 Senators,
including most everyone on the Judiciary Committee. That’s the crowd
just voted for amnesty for 30 million and in-state tuition of all! We
must stop them! They know we are winning—from all the contact you have
made to the polls to the election victories (see below) they know the
of America. But they intend on ignoring us all—and instead, take care
their lobbyists friends and corporate masters!

We must get back on the phones as never before!!!

There is some good news though--from Nebraska-- that should send a
chill up the spine of every Republican Congressman. This week popular
coach turned Congressman, Tom Osborne (R-NE), unexpectedly lost his bid
for governor. Why? One reason--while in Congress he voted for
tuition for illegals.

Last month his opponent, Governor Dave Heineman, vetoed the Iowa
of the bill. But the legislature overrode his veto and gave in-state
tuition to illegals living in that state! The voters were obviously
for bear when Election Day rolled by. The Governor, who ran as the
toughest guy against illegal immigration, solidly defeated Osborne,
voting record was not that bad on immigration except for that one vote.
Osborne had never received less than 82% of the vote in his
races. Tuesday he could only garner 44% of the republican vote!

This was a huge victory for us—especially following so quickly on the
tracks of our election victory in Herndon, Virginia. Immigration may
emerging as the deciding issue for the voters.

We are making serious progress! Please help stop the Senate from
betraying our trust and our future.

I’ll keep you informed, friend.
Bay Buchanan

PS. I am going to the Utah State Republican Convention on Saturday to
introduce Merrill Cook who is our candidate to replace Congressman
Pray that the delegates appreciate the seriousness of this issue, and
to defeat the King of Amnesty, Congressman Chris Cannon.

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