Anti-illegal Immigrant Stance Is Not Racist!
John T. Urban
August 27, 2007

One of the greatest tools pro-immigrant activists have in their arsenal to promote an unbridled immigration agenda in the United States is the cry of "Racism". These groups adroitly use the "race card" strategy because there is a hypersensitivity among mainstream Americans who fear being branded racist. Question or criticize liberal migration policies and you are immediately pounced upon.

Carried to the extreme, last fall at Columbia University in New York, at the onset of a presentation by Jim Gilchrist of the Minutemen ( an immigrant watchdog organization), students of the Chicano Caucus of Columbia rushed the stage, not only disrupting the event, but violating the groups right to free speech. Even if the content of the day's events were distasteful to the Chicano Caucus, it certainly could have been no more out of place than the memory of all the pro-alien Mexican flag wavers in California protesting Immigration Reform in March of 2006.

It would seem that as immigration becomes more of a political hotbed, politicians so bent on re-election have thrown the majority of Americans under the bus and have become part of the problem; like Senator John McCain of Arizona being pro illegal alien while his state is under siege.

I have trouble swallowing the propaganda stuffed down my throat like some goose being prepared as a foie gras dish; phrases such as "immigrants take the jobs Americans won"t do.", "immigrants contribute more than they receive." and "the majority of immigrants are law abiding." nothing but self serving platitudes. The last time I was in Florida I paid $2.00 for three large oranges. So much for the benefit of cheap labor! If the estimated illegal population in NYC is 500 thousand, and one hundred thousand are school age kids who by law must be educated, at $14000 per student per year, undocumented children alone cost taxpayers over ONE BILLION DOLLARS. Furthermore, if immigrants are so law abiding why does the U. S. Bureau of Prisons website indicate 26.7% of all inmates in Federal custody or 49,978 people are foreigners with 33,841 alone being Mexican nationals? I will tell you as a retired NYS Parole Officer with a working knowledge of New York's prisons that state lock ups house more foreigners than the average citizen is aware of.

Never be fearful to speak. It is a precious right we enjoy as Americans, many have spilled their blood to protect that right. Be informed about the facts, present them rationally and they can't be refuted. The opposition will try to obfuscate your arguments and present their opinion as fact. When that fails, expect the race card. They're entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. Know the difference, challenge their propaganda with confidence.

Anti-illegal Immigrant Stance Is Not Racist!