CBS has done a poll on the problem of illegal immigration in the United States.

Most of the results are reflective of what you hear in The Court of Public Opinion… except for one.

We self-deprecating Americans believe that immigrants work harder than people born in the U.S. .

That’s right.

The idea that Americans are spoiled and lazy and illegals are hard workers helping us keep our economy and country alive got 46% approval.

And the idea that illegals “take jobs that Americans won’t do� got overwhelming support with 58% agreeing with that idea.

As expected… Over 75 percent say that the Government is not doing enough to keep illegals from entering the U.S. . And President Bush takes a huge hit on this topic. Only 21 percent of those surveyed approved of Bush’s handling of illegal immigration…53% DISAPROVE.

The issue that burns me is this idea that illegals work harder than American Citizens. This worries me. This whole idea that our economy would crash if not for illegals is a huge liberal lie.

The liberals act as if illegals found this country, built America, wrote the Constitution, founded our government, built our cities, fed our babies, and went into to work to do our job for us every day.

This is a ridiculous way of thinking. It reminds me of that stupid European stereotype of The Lazy American.

It’s so self defeating…and it gives way too much credit to a group of people who, yes, work hard… but oddly enough, can’t seem to find their way to an immigration office to become legal citizens.

Does this bother you as much as it does me? Why would we give anyone else credit for working hard and building this country’s economy and cities other than Americans?

Here’s what I think is happening. I think a liberal political spin is being put forth that illegals are necessary, hard working, and that our economy is dependent on them. Therefore, Americans will be less inclined to get them the heck out of our country!

It reminds me of what a politician would do during a race. Make themselves relevant with all kinds of rhetoric just to get elected. But in the end it’s just all spin.


stephen casciotta Says:

October 25th, 2005 at 12:04 pm
hi rick more liberal b.s. yep thats all they got. hey I would like to buy a t-shirt from you, with tour name.need info!steve usn ret.

Jim Pendleton Says:

October 25th, 2005 at 12:16 pm
Dear Rick,

I am an avid listener who likes to look at each side of a debate. I have
fostered this opinion for a long time now. I am sure that there are many
jobs in California and throughout the southwest that immigrant workers
are more willing to perform than their American counterparts. But, do we
really need an additional 500,000 or so illegal immigrants every year to
do the same amount of jobs? Somewhere this idea seems to get lost in the
overall discussion.

Jim Pendleton

Dulzura, Californi

ME Says:

October 25th, 2005 at 12:17 pm
I see a big fat WHITE lazy “American�. What about you? The issue that tickles me is that you got the nerve to be troubled because illegals work harder than American Citizens. Now why would this worry you? Its not like your going in and cleaning a hotel room the morning after you and your fat comrades left a nasty mess knowing your fat American wife is not the one who would have to come in and clean up the mess……

Political Parties have nothing to do with this one…fat white lazy American

Lynn H. Says:

October 25th, 2005 at 12:24 pm
Everyone: I am trying to find someone from the Sean Hannity Tour here in San Diego on October 4, 2005. I am looking for the guy with glasses/shaved head sitting in the balcony with his friend. I was sitting with 3 elderly ladies and hoped that I would get the chance to speak with you at the end but missed you. I am looking forward to talking to you and will check back here to see if you got this message.