FBI / DOJ is Urgently Needed at the AZ – MX Border
Written by Daniel Maldonado
Saturday, 24 February 2007
Ya Basta! Enough is Enough!

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice are urgently needed along the Arizona – Mexico border.

Our people are being slaughtered like sheep along the AZ – MX border. We have got to act and we have got to act now. To do nothing at this point only means more deaths of innocent people, including young adults and teens. Lord only knows what fate children have met along this section of the border.

Is there a cover-up? Have ranchers, racists and nativist vigilante groups covered their tracks by making these unsolved murders appear as though gangs of migrant and drug smugglers committed these crimes?

The U.S. Department of Justice must intercede and they must intercede now in order to prevent more unsolved murders along the U.S. – Mexico border.

Either the local authorities have been infiltrated by the racist nativist vigilantes or they have been overwhelmed by the vastness of their broad, barren, dessert jurisdiction. In any event, they appear to be complacent or at the very least, incapable of solving the in discriminant slaughter of innocent migrants who are guilty of nothing more than being hungry and seeking employment in low paying jobs which the United States has plenty of.

This economic servitude of working without proper documents in a human ant farm is inhumane as it is, yet the racists who detest our people, who do detest looking at us, who detest dark looking people, wish to kill us and lure us into an unprovoked and unjust race war. What happens on private property in Arizona stays on private property in Arizona, or so some of the ranchers hope. Yet it is ranchers in Southern Texas that want nothing to do with the “wall of hate” that is being demanded by the vigilantes.

If it were not for La Voz de Aztlan many of us would still be in the dark about the killings of our innocent brothers and sisters. Thanks to the bravery in reporting by La Voz de Aztlan and the diligent reporting of their staff we are not allowed to forget or ignore what is happening to hungry migrants along the U.S. - Mexico border. La Voz de Aztlan should be commended for their reporting.

We are constantly bombarded with so called news of “illegals” and “drug smugglers” by the corporate media and by John Tanton mouth pieces like Lou Dobbs and Tom Tancredo (R-CO). This is nothing short of racist propaganda intended for stupid, ignorant people.

Being hungry and looking for work is not a crime.

No Meso-American can be labeled an “illegal” by a European or by their Uncle Tom enablers for migrating on their (our) own ancestral lands.

In addition, if you want to stop the smuggling of drugs then stop buying them. Stop consuming them. How is it that the supposed world’s only super power cannot develop drug prevention programs aimed at children? Why is it that the world’s only remaining super power cannot spend money on treating drug addiction, a developed medical condition, and yet it has plenty of money to get tough on crime and bury addicts alive in concrete tombs?

This is exceptionally perverse when the sellers are poor, hungry and desperate enough to risk smuggling drugs across the border and the drug consumers are well off.

Heretofore, the self-appointed border vigilante groups have given the appearance of taking a political activists’ path. While millions have not been fooled by their pretense, millions more have sat quietly as these events have transpired, often going along with their stance that our border (meaning their border gained by an unjust, immoral and illegal war waged on Mexico) needs to be protected, secured from terrorists, imagined or not. If this also happens to keep Meso-Americans off their ancestral lands then all the better for the racists.

And the good old default attitude left over from the early 80’s that we (meaning white Euro-Americans) cannot accept everyone or let everyone into this great nation of theirs serves as a comfortable base to justify their acts.

The last point is the one initiated by John Tanton. The father of all misconceptions designed to be so simple to understand and parrot. From there began English only, CA Prop 187 and Operation Gate Keeper, brought to you by slick Willie himself. John Tanton is a bigger liar than Adolph Hitler. His plan to truncate the U.S. population down to 150 million people resembles the Nazi's "final solution."

Our people seek nothing more that to be productive and to contribute to the productivity of this settler nation that was built on indigenous people’s stolen land, stolen birthright. And yet we are not invited. We are not welcome.

Clearly, the nativists vigilantes are trying to provoke a race war that would provoke Chicanos, Mexican Americans and Meso-Americans into a skirmish that we are unlikely to win at this point. This is why they, the racists, want this war; because they know that right now they would probably win. And that in the future a race war may not be such a turkey shoot for them.

Migrants are now being called “cowards” by the racist nativists for supposedly not having the courage to stay in their own country and trying to fix things there. But the real reason is because it’s easier to incite the murder of a coward than it is a human being. This is part of a continued de-humanization of the Meso-American. From "illegals" to "anchor babies" to "cowards," how much more indignation must our people accept?


As if the nativists themselves could endure such a journey through the desert heat while avoiding criminal gangs and armed vigilantes.

Yet “cowards” is a shift away from “anchor babies,” a racial epitaph geared towards children of immigrant parents that attacks new born infants for not being white. Those Euro-Americans who are racist unwittingly disclose themselves as mean spirited, self – appointed judges as to what constitutes a “real” American. “American,” which is code for white.

The real cowards are the racists who protest behind the safety and security of the racist local authorities that protect them. The real cowards are those who stoke the flames of hate against innocent children. The real cowards are those who instigate others to hate poor people because they are the wrong color. The real cowards are the opportunists like Jim Gilchrist, Joe Turner and his lapdog Don Saliva.

Protesting for our rights is a highly effective tool as we clearly saw last year.

But counter protesting, yelling at the racists from across the street isn’t. This only validates them and makes them appear more important than they are; it strokes their egos. In addition, generating page views for their websites is not only equally as ineffective but actually helps them.

Similarly, we cannot allow ourselves to be lured into a trap set by the racists. We are not armed to the teeth the way they are. We do not have the local authorities on our side like they do.

But we can still fight them. We can fight them by lobbying heavily to have the Department of Justice and the FBI sent to the Arizona –Mexico border.

All readers of La Voz de Aztlan, All members of the National Alliance for Human Rights, all readers of Aztlan 0101, all members of the Mexican-American Political Association, all members of Hermandad Mexicana and all members of Chicano Forums and every other organization on our side needs to lobby heavily to have the FBI and the DoJ sent to the Arizona – Mexico border.

We all need to be the wiser here. We need to be wiser than John Tanton. Tanton is not the messiah as we have recently seen. After all, it was John Tanton who woke the sleeping giant.

We can capitalize on Tanton’s blunder. We cannot wait every 30 years for these opportunities. We need to plan for the next 80 years. We need to act now before more of our people are killed.
