Federal government is wrong on everything…number of illegal aliens is no exception
April 29, 3:22 PM
Dave Gibson

Massive illegal alien demonstration

APFor years, the federal government has told us that there are 12 million illegal aliens currently living in the United States, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano recently lowered that number to 10.8 million. However, the actual number is undoubtedly, at least four to five times higher.

The way the feds arrive at their numbers is as absurd as their assertion that we can maintain law and order without actually defending our borders.

In 1986, President Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to the nation’s illegal alien population. At the time, we were told that population totaled between two to three million. However, amnesty was actually granted to more than three million who crossed our borders illegally.

Washington arbitrarily estimates that every year since 1986, a half million illegal aliens take up residence in this country, either by over-staying their visa or by crossing into this country illegally. Additionally, they believe that the one million illegal aliens who did not qualify for the 1986 Amnesty (many were criminals), simply stayed anyway.

When you multiply a half million by 22 years, then add the additional million criminal aliens to the total, you have 12 million illegal aliens.

That is the figure which U.S. politicians pushing for amnesty constantly espouse. These same politicians never take the time to explain to us just how they came up with that figure.

However, the U.S. Border Patrol places a much higher estimate on the number of illegal aliens now in this country. For many years, the number of apprehensions at the border averaged about one million. When you then use the very conservative estimate that at least three times that many got away, over 22 years, along with all of the people who never return home after their visa has expired, you get a much different number.

Using the Border Patrol’s own data and considering the relative ease with which drug smugglers and illegal aliens make multiple crossings into this country, the more realistic number is much closer to 50-60 million.

When you consider that all current proposed amnesty bills contain a provision to allow each illegal alien, to then bring 4-5 relatives to the U.S., you are looking at a truly astounding number of individuals.

If Congress does pass an amnesty bill, the resulting chain-migration could translate into an additional 250 million new U.S. citizens, practically overnight.

In short, it would change this country…forever.

This is why Obama wants to count illegal aliens this year’s Census. We will be told that granting citizenship to such a large group of people at once will be a tremendous boost to our tax base, and end our exploding budget deficits.

Of course, the vast majority of illegal aliens do not now, nor will they ever make enough money to even qualify for income taxes, they will simply join the 48 percent of Americans who currently pay nothing and our National Debt will continue to soar.

The real reason Obama wants to grant amnesty to the mostly Hispanic population, is to secure the vote that they would then have as American citizens. Obama believes that doing so would assure Democratic control of the White House and Congress for the next several generations.

More About: Government Corruption

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