Bills push jobs for residents

Business group balks at plan to force state contractors to hire Mich. workers.
Gary Heinlein / Detroit News Lansing Bureau
LANSING -- A House Commerce Committee hearing is planned for Tuesday on a package of House bills to require state construction contractors to hire only employees living in Michigan, as well as to cancel state contracts with firms that hire undocumented workers.

The Democratic sponsors of the bill package are calling it the "Hire Michigan First" plan.

"State dollars should create jobs for our residents, not residents of other states and countries," said Rep. Fred Miller, D-Mount Clemens, who is the chief sponsor of the measure.

Under the bills:

• The requirement of in-state hiring would be boosted from 50 percent to 100 percent for companies with state construction contracts.

• Companies hiring the most Michigan workers, and getting tax breaks and other incentives from the Michigan Economic Development Corp. or state-funded programs, would receive preferred treatment.

• Companies getting state-sponsored incentives would be required to report who they hire.

• State construction contracts would be canceled for companies that used undocumented workers, they'd have to pay back any state incentives they received and they'd be barred from future state contracts.

Sarah Hubbard, vice president of the Detroit Regional Chamber, said the reason Michigan development incentives work now is because they are flexible. The proposed legislation seems to make them more restrictive and less workable, she said.

"I appreciate him wanting Michigan money to go to Michigan jobs," she added. "Most contractors would hire in Michigan, but there may be out-of-state managers."

Hubbard also said chamber officials believe immigration-related issues should be handled by the federal government, "so we don't end up with a patchwork of state regulations."

The legislation was introduced on Thursday. ... 1409/METRO