Driver's licenses for illegal immigrants are wrong
Joan Gilbert-Croteau
11/28/2007 ... 94985.html

On Nov. 20, CNN reported that Maine is one of eight states that made it legal to issue driver's licenses for illegal immigrants without Maine voters having the chance to vote on such an important issue.
CNN reported that U.S. Congressman Vito Fossella, R-New York, has introduced legislation that would withhold a portion of a state's federal highway funding if that state issues driver's licenses that are not compliant with the Real ID Act -- That includes giving licenses to illegal immigrants.

If this law passes, people of depressed northern counties will suffer the most. They won't stand a chance to attract economic development to provide needed jobs if federal transportation funding is cut for improving deteriorating roads.

It's difficult to understand why our Maine lawmakers, including our governor, would allow the security of our state to be jeopardized by issuing immigrants driver's licenses.

Passing this law has resulted in the creation of a welcome mat for terrorism. If the law was passed before 9/11, then the law should have been changed in order to protect our vast borders to Canada.

It was a grievous mistake to slide this issue behind the backs of Maine voters without their approval.

Perhaps our government in Augusta needs a good house cleaning, as well as the people's house in Washington.

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