Force Congress to take its own medicine to cure its malignancy

American, Heal Thyself

By Armand C. Hale
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The federal government’s consolidation of power along with out-of-control spending is a malignant tumor in Americas’ body.

Strong & drastic treatment needs to be introduced now. Here’s what can be given to our patient for its critical condition:

Force Congress to take its own medicine

Congressman John Fleming of Louisiana’s 4th District is supporting House Resolution 615 to force members of Congress to join the same health care system the government is forcing down Americas’ throat. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Prevent the Notre Dame Scandal from happening again

Notre Dame fell into relativism because it rejected Church teaching as the authentic interpreter of moral law. The Cardinal Newman Society was the basis for most bishops’ opposition to the Notre Dame Commencement scandal. Concepts such as right and wrong are still absolute.

Change the tide across America now

Across America, real conservatives (not GOP establishment RINOâ€