Columbia U.: Campus gone wild
By Michelle Malkin · October 09, 2006 12:27 PM

The Examiner makes the same point I made:

The thugs should be expelled from Columbia and barred from admission at any other self-respecting university. But frankly, we doubt that Columbia officials will do much of anything beyond delivering figurative slaps on the wrists of the offending students and their accomplices. Too many American academic officials have become cowed by fear of appearing to violate the politically correct orthodoxy that rules most campuses.

And too many of them agree with the thugs they helped create.


Programming note: I'll be talking about this topic on the O'Reilly Factor during the regular debate segment with Kirsten Powers. We'll be in Chicago for a 10th anniversary show. Tune in.

Btw, it is lovely today in the Windy City.