Lawmakers Block Deportations In Ohio, Calif.

Last Updated: Wed, 11/24/2010 - 2:10pm

In disgraceful acts to help those who violate U.S. law, federal legislators in different parts of the country have blocked the deportation of illegal immigrants in the last few days.

The three federal lawmakers from California and Ohio, all Democrats, claim to be acting on behalf of the illegal aliens because they were brought into the U.S. as children by their undocumented parents. Therefore, the thinking goes, they should not be punished for something they had no control over.

This week a U.S. Senator (Sherrod Brown) and congressman (Steve Driehaus) from Ohio intervened on behalf of an 18-year-old Guatemalan facing deportation. The illegal alien, Barnard Pastor, was arrested after a traffic accident last week for driving without a license and was earmarked for removal. The lawmakers appealed to federal authorities at the request of immigration advocates who say Pastor is a model student at a Cincinnati-area high school.

In a letter to a pair of high-ranking officials at the Department of Homeland Security, Congressman Driehaus wrote that deporting the Guatemalan teen “would not serve in the interests of the citizens of the United States, whose tax dollars would be better spent pursuing removals that fit more clearly into the priorities outlined by (ICE).â€