From CNN's Jack Cafferty

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Illegal aliens in this country could wind up winning big from the recently passed economic stimulus package.

USA Today reports that studies by two conservative think tanks show illegal aliens could take 300,000 new construction jobs — or 15 percent of the two million jobs to be created by U.S. taxpayer dollars. The numbers of illegal workers getting jobs could be especially high in states like California.

These reports blame Congress for not forcing employers to certify the status of workers. The House of Representatives had included a provision in its version of the bill that would require employers to use a Homeland Security Program called e-Verify, but the Senate didn't include it, and the provision wasn't in the final bill that went to the president. So much for putting Americans first.

This recession/depression isn't that bad and unemployment is only at 8.1 percent and we've only lost 4.4 million jobs in the last 15 months. What's wrong with giving a few hundred thousand jobs away to people who shouldn't even be in the country in the first place? This is your government at work.

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