By Jon Offredo
January 19, 2012

ms 13 gang tattoo

An alleged member of one of the most dangerous gangs in America was arrested after a two-week-long joint investigation between local police and a government agency.

Martir Lemus, 28, of El Salvador was taken into custody along with four other suspected gang members and illegal immigrants after Barnstable police and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents found the five men at a house they shared in Hyannis' Fresh Holes neighborhood.

Sgt. Sean Sweeney said that while Lemus is a confirmed member of the gang, MS-13, the other four are only suspected to be part of the gang.

He added that there is some question as to their true identities and nationalities.

The four men, all supposedly of El Salvador, were taken into custody by ICE.

Lemus faces charges stemming from an incident in Somerville. Police there charged him with assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon.

According to the FBI, MS-13 is mostly made up of Salvadoran nationals or first-generation Salvadoran-Americans, but also Hondurans, Guatemalans, Mexicans and other Central and South American immigrants.

The gang, which originated in Los Angeles, is known for its violent acts and intimidation against rival gangs, law enforcement and the general public. It is known for using firearms, machetes or blunt objects.

Lemus was arraigned Wednesday in Barnstable District Court.

He also will have a detainer placed against him by the immigration agency, which requests that a law enforcement agency notify it before releasing him to allow it to assume custody.

Gang member caught in Hyannis probe |