This Year -
The Muslim Riots in Europe
The Muslim Riots in Australia
The Student Riots in France -
The Student Protests here at Santa Cruz University
The Latino Marches here in the states - with the threat of violence...

Why now ?
Why not 5 years ago ??
Why not 5 years from now ???

Does it not make you stop and wonder ??
Why are all of these "attacks" happening - Right Now ??

Happening Right now - to the "First World Nations"
by "third world insurgents" and "young indigent dupes" ??

Could these perhaps be more than just a coincidence ??

No, this is no coincidence.
Something indeed is happening here.
There is an unseen hand moving chess pieces upon the board.

If we want to survive as a nation -- we need to come to grips with this reality.

We need to clearly discern friend from foe.

We need to be United with the sole purpose to defend the liberty for which so many have already fought and died.

Honor demands it - from each and everyone of us.

Should we fail -- our nation will go the way of the Greek and Roman Empires.

And the blood that our Nations Founders and Defenders
have shed for our liberty - will have been for nought.

They deserve better from us -- our children deserve better from us.