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In case of emergency, or to get free ride, just tell the state you’re illegal alien
By Howie Carr
Boston Herald Columnist

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Look, I’m not asking for any special treatment. I just want to be treated like an illegal alien.

All I ask for is a free ride, no questions asked. I want to go through life belting out those famous lyrics from “West Side Story”:

“Everything free in America!”

The latest evidence of the double standard benefiting illegals comes from the state’s Office of Medicaid. It’s a memo instructing the welfare bureaucracy how to handle illegals applying for Mass Health, which is, like everything else for the aliens, free.

“Documentation supplied by non-citizens should still be logged onto the MA21 QAC screen, however it will not be necessary for this information to be verified and the system will determine eligibility based off of the information that the applicant declared.”

In other words, the criminal will be taken at his word.

The memo continues:

“NOTE, this change only applies to non-citizens. US Citizen/Nationals must continue to verify their citizenship and identity.”

In other words, you, or your grandmother, will not be taken at your word.

I phoned the state, and spoke to the people who wrote the memo, and they say it went out because of a change in federal law. And, they add, the illegals can receive only “emergency” health care, which they could get anyway.

But as anyone knows who’s had the misfortune to find himself in an emergency room, illegals have learned how to scam the system.

For illegals, everything is an “emergency.”

It used to be said that a conservative was a liberal who’d been mugged. Nowadays, a conservative is a liberal who’s ended up in a hospital emergency room.

I received this Medicaid document in the mail from a whistleblower who also scribbled a note: “I send you this memo with hesitation, because you seem like a tool of the Mitt-Muffy administration.”

Thanks for the resounding vote of confidence, pal. I’m sure Muffy appreciates the nickname that this “tool” hung on her.

But one thing Lt. Gov. Muffy Healey has going for her in this governor’s race is that, despite memos like this one, she’s tougher on illegals than any of the three Democrats. Deval Patrick and Tom Reilly support (what amounts to) free tuition for any illegal alien in the world who arrives here with a scrap of paper claiming he’s a high school graduate.

Your kids will have to work two or three jobs to pay for their tuition, but Gov. Patrick wants the illegals to get their customary free ride. Of course they’ll be “means-tested,” but guess what - they won’t show any reportable income.

Chris Gabrieli is the only Democrat who’s come out against the illegal-alien tuition bill. But he doesn’t push it, because anyone who does is labeled a racist, or a nativist, or at the very least, “mean-spirited.”

Meanwhile, every day more giveaways are proposed for greedy illegals. In California, if you’re caught driving without a license, your car is impounded for 30 days. This is apparently a real inconvenience for illegals, most of whom drive unlicensed, unregistered, uninspected and uninsured.

So some Democrat solons in Sacramento filed a bill saying that if you had never had a U.S. license (i.e., if you were illegal) your car would be impounded for only 24 hours. If you had a license and lost it (i.e., if you were a U.S. citizen), you’d still have to do without your vehicle for 30 days.

So much for the 14th Amendment. So much for equal protection under the law. The bill didn’t pass, but someday California will have a Democratic governor again, and so will Massachusetts.

Think of the Medicaid memos they’ll be writing at 600 Washington St. then, and if saying that makes me a tool of the Mitt-Muffy administration, so be it.