Robert Chatigny deserves impeachment, not promotion

Senators Should Reject Obama’s ‘Empathy for Sadists’ Judge

By Christian Newswire
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Concerned Women for America opposes the nomination of Robert Chatigny to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals. The nation’s largest public policy women’s organization explained in letters to senators on the Judiciary Committee why they should reject him as unfit for the bench.

“Robert Chatigny has abused his judicial position to demonstrate his empathy for sexual offenders. His preference for ‘sexual sadists’ and sex offenders over their victims violates judicial ethics of impartiality and sends the message that violence against women and girls is acceptable. Americans will get the message loud and clear that a senator who votes for Robert Chatigny agrees with his ‘empathy’ for sex offenders, sadists, rapists, and murderers of women and girls,â€