Lou Dobbs Tonight
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tonight, California’s highest court overturned the state’s ban
on gay marriage, ruling that domestic partnerships are not an
adequate replacement and are therefore discriminatory under the
state’s constitution. Well have that story, and all the latest
from the campaign trail. Plus:

* The Food and Drug Administration is under fire from Congress.
The FDA’s investigative office conducted 20 percent fewer
investigations between 2000 and 2005 than in the previous five
years, even as that office’s funding and number of employees
rose dramatically.

* Prices are soaring for nearly everything and Americans are
turning to their credit cards more than ever to help pay their
bills. But credit card companies continue to prey on customers
by charging fees and raising interest rates with little or no
notice. Congress is considering a bill to cap credit card
interest rates – but the bill would still cap them at a
whopping 20 percent.

* Immigration and Customs Enforcement has uncovered two more
“drop housesâ€