GOP rises, DREAM Act falters

Orrin Hatch's shifting stance on immigration reflects his party's turnaround on the issue. | AP Photo

By SCOTT WONG | 12/7/10 4:32 AM EST Updated: 12/7/10 8:44 AM EST

To see how dramatically the immigration debate has shifted, look no further than Orrin Hatch.

The Utah Republican was the chief sponsor of the DREAM Act when it was first introduced in the Senate in 2001 and, later, in 2003. But now, worried about a potential tea party challenge in 2012, Hatch is steering clear of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act.

On Wednesday, immigrant advocates who have been engaged in this fight for nearly a decade will very likely see the DREAM Act sputter again with a feeble lame-duck vote. And with it, any chance for broader immigration reform may be dead for the foreseeable future — potentially for years.

Like most of his Republican colleagues, Hatch would like to see the Senate focus on the economy and not immigration. “Democrats know this won’t become law but are moving forward with this show vote to curry favor with a political constituency,â€