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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    South Western Ohio

    How Many Politicians Does It Take to Fix an Immigration Prob

    How Many Politicians Does It Take to Fix an Immigration Problem?

    George Weissinger, Ph.D. ... id=1385391

    Over time, very little has changed regarding the illegal alien problem. In the 1970s, INS devoted a small portion of its budget to interior enforcement. This is amusing when you realize that more and more illegal aliens stream into this country every day, and they can live and work without any real concern about getting caught by either local or federal authorities. Local law enforcement authorities avoid involvement in immigration enforcement for two reasons. Firstly, it is just too much work over and above their primary mission task, and secondly, they do not want to upset the politically correct politicians who pull their strings.

    As far back as I can remember, the Commissioners of Immigration, all political appointees, continued to focus on border enforcement. They put interior enforcement at the bottom of the priority list, and treated the special agent as a pariah. If you were a special agent with the legacy INS, your energy was devoted to transferring to another federal law enforcement agency, not locating and apprehending illegal aliens. Now, DHS reports that they are concentrating on locating and removing criminal aliens from the U.S. That is a neat way to deflect attention from their other more important task of enforcing the immigration laws. They ignore the day laborer who is illegally working in the U.S., and resume the focus on the border apprehending as many Mexican border crossers as they can. This strategy fails to take into account that there are over 20 million illegal aliens inside the U.S., and the American taxpayer is overwhelmingly fed up with the status quo. Recently, the Secretary of DHS aligned his political correctness with a governor negotiating a driver’s license for illegal aliens program. It just never changes when it comes to immigration enforcement.

    Immigration authorities prepare to build a fence that is supposed to stop the flow of illegal aliens, or at least control it somewhat. The fence will not stop illegal immigration. It is simply a gesture by politicians to build a perception that something is being done. The desperation of the illegal motivates that individual to come to the U.S. at any cost. As all the Border Patrol operations simply move the stream from one part of the border to another, the fence will not stop the illegal unless we create a police state similar to the communist bloc nations of the past. Americans do not want a police state. So, what can we do to stem the tide of illegal immigration?

    A real solution would necessitate looking at the push-pull factors that create a steady flow of individuals from one country to another. Employing illegal aliens at lower wages and without benefits encourages more illegal immigration from sending countries. Failing to enforce the immigration laws creates a culture of disobedience to laws that are not enforced. After a while, we all simply throw up our hands and accept the situation. Allowing the sending country to continue to promote the northward flow of its population with impunity is simply unacceptable. There should be reparation for damages done. Mexico is not a poor country; it is a country with a large population of poor people.

    So, why does the DHS refuse to do its job of enforcing the immigration laws in the U.S.? One answer to this question can be understood in terms of bureaucracy and the administration of law enforcement agencies. Originally, INS was a dual mandate agency. Its mission was to enforce the immigration laws and service those in need of immigration assistance, such as legal permanent residence applications, U.S. citizenship applications, and adjustments of legal status applications. This was no easy task, especially when you realize that it is much easier to give things away (service) than it is to apprehend and remove people (enforcement). It is a basic conflict. And, in the case of the legacy INS, service took a priority. That is why I was cautiously optimistic when INS transitioned into DHS. The assumption in the bureaucratic alignment that was created was that enforcement was a separate line, and service would not impede the enforcement mission.

    However, another problem surfaced that only those inside the agency could appreciate. The legacy INS agents were joining with the more powerful U.S. Customs agents and it soon became obvious who would be running the show. The Customs people looked down on immigration enforcement and did not want to have anything to do with it. They would run the agency, and the legacy INS agents would be given all the immigration details and duties. Morale began to plummet and soon all parties realized that another impasse was created in the ever growing immigration problem. New positions were created and new strategies were formulated – including retrieving artifacts in war-torn Iraq, but the illegal alien population continued to grow and grow.

    Every now and then, DHS would stage some media event and round up a few illegal aliens, mostly from Mexico and usually low-level visa abusers who were summarily released after posting a minimal bond. As Abe Lincoln once said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.â€

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    UT ..just ONE illegal is too many, let’s start w/the usurper & his cronies..!! ;)
    I love their website..!


    AND.. For those who haven’t seen this, check out this VERY informative and enlightening 13 minute video from, SOLELY about LEGAL immigration! It's a *MUST SEE* for ALL! [OVER 2.6 MILLION hits, so far.. in google.. ] ... susa&hl=en

    What he DIDN’T talk about, and something VERY important to *Remember*.. is that illegal MIGRATION is 3-4 times this toll!


    Yes.. LA is in trouble!

    Here's a bit I've heard off Kevin James and Terry Anderson's radio shows, [see the radio links below..]

    Walter Moore!

    SAVE Los Angeles! ‘Senor’ Antonio NEEDS the boot, NOW!

    Los Angeles’s Police Chief: Bill Bratton? Bad Guy!!


    **REALISTIC Presidential candidates: Gentlemen w/integrity!

    *Tom Tancredo! !
    *Duncan Hunter !
    *Ron Paul !


    NO Democrat presidential candidate can save this nation, despite so-called ‘Republican’ Bush giving the party a stink! [ BOTH parties contribute to La Raza (THE Race), Mecha, LULAC, etc etc etc.. ]. So if you want to contribute, do so to the candidate, NOT the party!

    See.. about 70% of Republicans are AGAINST illegal migration ETC, whereas approximately the same percentage of Democrats are FOR that chaos! In the last election, a lot of people THOUGHT that by voting 'democrat', they'd stop this mayhem, but voting all ‘one’ party?!

    ..And watch out for Giuliani (whose law firm is the sole representative of Cintra, the Spanish firm with a 50-year contract on the NAFTA Superhighway in Texas), Fred Thompson (CFR member), Sen. John Cornyn (who introduced a meld-with-Mexico bill until World Net Daily confronted him; it was withdrawn . . .), Sen. Chris Dodd (who inserted a last-minute provision in the failed immigration bill that a border fence must have Mexico's approval), and, of course, Bill Richardson.
    And Romney? He wants to INCREASE legal immigration! What, with half to 2/3 of the 1.2 MILLION visas ANNUALLY exploited by the greedy business lobby just so a business can say they’ve hired a ‘legal’ alien, NOT to mention paying them MUCH less thus DEPRESSING our wages even further?! So if you believe that ALL 'legal' foreign workers are here because they do the jobs that 'Americans won't or can't do' ..go watch this: "Our goal is clearly NOT to find a qualified and interested US worker" [Larry Lebowitz, VP Marketing and Attorney, Cohen & Grigsby 5-15-07] ..
    Yes, he’d be better than ANY democrat, but I still feel he would be the ‘elites’ choice of Republicans. But if citizens continue to DEMAND they want Tom, Duncan or Paul, it will happen, but you have to DO it!

    And McCain?Forget McCain!!

    Oh.. Did I forget to mention to visit: a MUST!

    *LOOK at your congressional persons scorecard. How did he/she vote? Are they working FOR or AGAINST this Nation? ..or just plain ignorant?!

    *..and SEE the Pres candidates scorecards: a MUST!! Uhh.. We’re talking about our Country’s SOVEREIGNTY here!!!

    *DON'T forget the most important page.. PAGE TWO! ... _gop2.html

    ..then tell ALL your friends and family about the above links, to tell ALL of THEIR friends and family, etc etc etc..

    We CAN stop this CHAOS!! just DO it!

    Nice day all!


    Great Radio! ... ic&t=85728

    AND.. ... ic&t=76263

    Be sure to call and write these guys and give them your stories and info, they depend on you too..!


    Last, but certainly not least..


    Report anonymously if you like, but REPORT!

    866.347.2423 24/7/365!

    If you don’t report, they’ll never know!
    Last edited by Jean; 08-24-2013 at 11:14 PM.
    No need for ‘mass roundups’, simply ENFORCE EXISTING law*& MANDATE the worker ID, ..but SEVEN amnesties? Hmm, WHO cried wolf?!

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