Please sign the petition against amnesty which will be presented to the Senate by Grassfire at this siteMOD EDIT)
They need to get 500,000 signatures they are at 280,000 now. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. For information about this organization, see below:

President Bush's national address last night is a
clear sign of one thing:

The Senate amnesty vote is imminent!

Clearly the President and Senate leadership are working
together to push the amnesty bill through the Senate
before the Memorial Day recess. The President's speech
was designed to give the Senate political "cover" to
rush the vote and pass the bill.

The only thing that can de-rail amnesty in the Senate
is a massive grassroots uprising. That's why Ron De Jong
and I are going to deliver petitions to the U.S. Senate
BEFORE the amnesty vote!

We want to deliver a half-million petitions, but it can
only happen if citizens take a stand in a dramatic way.
Right now, we are at about 280,000. We have a long way
to go, but a flood of 500,000 petitions would really
send a message to the Senate!

***We must do anything and everything we can to derail this bill now.