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Guess Who Is Hiring Americans Who Happen To Be White?


December 20, 2006

Some of the jobs Americans purportedly "won't do" have apparently been getting more popular among white people who are doing them these days - but for better money than the illegal immigrants they replaced.

Does this mean Lou Dobbs might be right? Or does it prove, as his critics have so often argued, that Dobbs is into anti-capitalist witchcraft, and should be burned at a non-union stake in Salem?

Union officials say Swift & Co. meatpacking plants have been hiring more Caucasians since the feds raided plants last week, looking for workers who were in the country illegally.

Up to 50 new workers have been hired at the Grand Island plant since the raids that snagged 261 workers there, according to Dan Hoppes, president of Local 22 of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union.

Hoppes told reporters: “The lion’s share of those people were Caucasian.”

Our guess is that he didn’t say “white people” because such could be subject to classification, by some, as politically incorrect.

In keeping with the industry’s traditional response to the raids, Swift & Co. has stuck with the excuse that it has never “knowingly” hired illegals. The company had not commented, at this writing, on the hiring of greater numbers of Caucasians.

This story has drawn global attention. A headline on the AP story in the Guardian Unlimited (UK) read: Unions: Swift & Co. Hiring More Whites. The same headline, and many similar ones, appeared in countless American venues. What some might consider more delicate descriptions appeared on the same story on lots of other MSM sites. Such as: Unions: Fewer Hispanic Workers Hired Since Swift & Co. Raids. Others just said that fewer immigrants were being hired, etc.

Here is the interesting thing about the new hires:

Union officials also said that Swift began improving wages, benefits and bonuses before the raids.

A reflection of the holiday spirit?

If so, it also reflected the fact that Swift & Co. knew well in advance that the raids were coming, and that replacements would be needed if illegal workers were hauled off. The company apparently was just being cautious, since it never knowingly hires illegal workers, but understands that such things can happen.

Union spokeswoman Jill Cashen told reporters:

"They're trying to staff up their plants and they've been raising their wages the past few weeks. To me, it's an example that when you make the job more attractive you get a different kind of applicant."

Define “a different kind of applicant.”

The industry and the government have said illegals do jobs that “Americans won’t do.” That’s a sissy way of saying that white people and black people who are citizens generally don’t want those jobs, given the lousy wages and benefits associated with them.

The recent hires at Swift might indicate that some Americans will do those jobs, for better wages and benefits.

Who’d a thought it?

Actually, it seems that the meatpacking industry knew it.

Among the first, rancid baloney to come out of the industry was the assurance that having fewer illegal workers meant more dollars would be paid for meat products.

That seems to translate this way:

“We don’t knowingly hire illegal workers.

“However, if the illegal workers we unknowingly hire were to disappear, the legal workers hired to replace them would not work for the crummy wages and benefits that illegal workers have to take if they want to work here.

“Paying wages acceptable to someone who is not, indirectly or otherwise, a fugitive from the law will cut into our profits. We don’t want that, so the consumer will have to make up the difference because we ain’t taking a penny less than we have been getting by unknowingly hiring illegally workers – which, by the way, we never knowingly hire.”
Let's hear it.