Visa Expansion for NON-immigrant H-1Bs from India
More unemployment for Americans

Non-immigrant H-1B visa holders now have a choice!

Democrat - Hillary
Republican - Romney
Both favor unlimited NON-immigrant visa expansion!

From The India Times

Quote Originally Posted by The India Times
A leading Republican Presidential hopeful has thrown his weight behind the H1B visa programme stressing that bringing high skilled workers on a permanent basis to the US will be beneficial to the economy.

Former Massachusetts Gover Mitt Romney has said that while he is in favour of increasing the quota for H1B visa, a majority of whose aspirants are Indians, ...

Romney was asked if the H1B quota should be increased, there should be no quota at all or if the United States should let in everyone who is qualified.

Romney said the US needed “more H1B visas, not less
Complete Article,curpg-1.cms

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