Bush anti-American pro amnesty propaganda machine is cranking, I’ll believe him when pigs fly.
Mark Lowry

Mark Lowry
June 3, 2007
It looks like Bush is finally recognizing he is killing the Republican party with his amnesty crap. They are trying to pull their ass out our fire we put him in. It is too late to do any thing but kill the amnesty legislation now. Any Hesitation indicates his anti American stance is his last word on the issue.

Tony Snow has the following line of propaganda. Man is he trying to make a sack of manure smell like a rose.

And White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said on Fox News' O'Reilly Factor, "I'm going to be going around the country talking about immigration reform, and making a pretty simple case for conservatives, which is, number one, you have got a conservative president. Do you really think that the guy who has taken on Congress, who has taken on European heads of state, who has taken on the European Union, who has taken on the UN, who has taken on doubters all around the world, and has been subjected to savage criticism for conducting a war on terror, including in Iraq, a man who used to be governor of Texas, with the longest border with Mexico, do you think the guy is not going to be absolutely concerned about border security and the security of this country? Of course he is."

If any of you believe any of that stuff, I have a few bridges in inventory I can sell you real cheap. You can make all your money back off the tolls in just a few years.

How dumb do these lying sons of wild stray dogs think the American public is? We would have to be terminally stupid with an IQ of .0002 to believe that.

Sure he will respect us in the morning, he didn't respect us the last four times he screwed us what makes anybody think the lying son of unwed parents ain't going to screw us and run off with his La Raza globalist buddies again?

If you are stupid enough to believe this crooked bunch you deserve the screwing you will most definitely get.

The only thing we can believe is the end to this amnesty legislation and now. The only thing we can believe is the immediate enforcement of our laws.

When we see the child of unwed parents arresting illegal alien invaders, drug smugglers, gang bangers, human traffickers, and felony fraud social security and IRS criminals, and hauling their ass out of the country;

When we don't see any more Mexican truckers on our roads,

When the North American Union and Security and protection partnership agreements are a distant memory,

When NAFTA is rescinded,

When we see the 800 miles of fence the lying son of a stray flea bitten dog said he was going to put up last year,

When we see the 10,000 border guards legislated for in 2000 without any appropriations,

When we see him release all law enforcement officers the DOJ has illegally arrested convicted and jailed,

When we see this pig poop of a man, quit letting illegal aliens steal our social security,

When this lying son of a stray dog stops chain migration,

when we see United States customs laws enforced and each illegal alien criminal pay $5,000 fines for first offense and $10,000 for each subsequent offense and go to jail for a year for each offense,

When the Anchor baby crap is no more,

When he declares this an English only language and tears down all the Spanish signs littered all over every city and demands all government business be done in English only,

When he gets the ACLU, Maldef and all the other pigs off our ass and makes them quit suing us,

When he brings back to life the 40,000 Americans that have died since 9-11-01 because of illegal alien invader criminals,

When he strikes up a band and gives them 30 minutes to draw a crowd before he starts kissing America's ass, and the ass of every American Patriot he has screwed and disparaged,

When an orchestrated flight of Pigs Fly in perfect formation around the White House Dome in polka dotted women's underwear, wearing pink sunglasses, playing Brahms Lullaby on violins as they sing ever so softly good night and sleep tight,

Then just maybe, of course we can't promise anything for sure without discussing it with all our people and the Korean embassy, and Clyde's Tennessee walker coon hound, and the Canadian mounted police and the local dog catcher and the old whore that works for Congress but can't reveal names, gets to reveal all her clients names, when we get our jobs back from China, when our wages are no longer stifled, and when the stars align, and the moon turns to green cheese, then maybe just maybe if they are really, really good,

Then we will take it under advisement and submit it to our committee for review to determine if the Republican party and the Democratic Party is truly representative of 80% of the American voters.

If all these things don't occur first there is not a snowball's chance in hell that America will believe anything any lying treasonous politician has to say.

The rest of the treasonous lying sons of stray dogs need to be getting their resumes cleaned up and join Bill Frist, Duke Cunningham and the rest of the gang either down on K Street or down at the state pen.

PS: If any of you fine looking ladies out there is cyber land believe anything Bush says about thinking of you first, my wife will be out of town this weekend and if you come over to the house we can have tea and discuss your fine looking hair, you sweet thang, I promise I will be good. (I particularly like the fire of a goooood looking red headed woman for a quiet evening of poetry and walking on the beach type discussions. "It depends on what your definition of 'is' is.")

http://www.americanchronicle.com/articl ... leID=28638