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Goodbye 2006, thank God!

Michael C. Morris
December 28, 2006

As 2006 comes to an end, we should all review the truth about this year and burn it into our minds so we do not forget in 2007 what happened in 2006.

The Iraq War surpassed the 2500 KIA mark with no end in sight. It is a War started on a lie that has united the region in their hatred of America and Americans. It has destabilized local governments and united former enemies against the United States and I see it only getting worst in 2007 with the 4000 KIA mark reached. I see a major US attack being pulled off because like we always do, we will become complacent and the flag manufactures need to sell more flags.

The mid term elections switched the house and senate to Democratic control on the issue of corruption and the war in Iraq. For 2007 unless the Democrats totally change the way business is done in Washington, I see 2007 just being another year where a human cesspool of waste continues to float inside the beltway. It will be another year of human rights being abolished, privacy rights being abolished and our leashes being pulled in by our owners so they can rape and pillage the national treasury. This total disregard of any morals and ethics will “trickle down” (the only thing that ever trickled down) to all levels of government. My guess is the Democrats are just Republicans without good tailors.

Our borders and ports might just as well say “Bring us your tired and poor, nuclear weapons and biological weapons, and cheap labor so the rich can get richer!” Maybe if we build an inescapable wall around Washington we can secure our borders.

God forbid that the rich would have to pay more than $5.00 per hour to have their house cleaned! Need I say more?

And my favorite, the Court systems. This year we can expect that the Einstein’s in black robes will tell us that illegal’s are not illegal, that American’s don’t have the right to vote not to pay taxes to support illegal’s or house illegals and that “We the People” means we the elite in the legal system and the rich that bribe us. 5000 men and women will commit suicide over family court BS and nobody cares. It would be much better place if 5000 Judges and Lawyers committed suicide each year then we would get action for change in the Family Court system. And the best off all, the courts will rule that if your rich next door neighbor wants your house to expand his domain, the county can eminent domain your house.

While we jest about what has happened in 2006, it was a year of change. The jury is still out on if that change is good or bad. One thing is for sure, if America does not change course in all aspects of our society, the predictions of Nikita Khrushchev will come true and we will self destruct without anyone firing a shot in our direction.

Happy New Year and this year use your brain for more than reality TV! (Hint: It’s not real life!) Write letters to your local politicians and make phone calls. Tell them your thoughts. Who knows, maybe we can reverse the course America is sailing!