In a few Hazleton and National newspapers are articles that read "There were signs on the front of local bars and night clubs warning local Latinos to "Speak English or Leave," and that the businesses would serve "Legals Only." " Speaking of Hazleton, PA

My Husband and I own the Bar in Hazleton that everyone keeps referring to. I've become so aggravated with the way this sign has been misquoted and used.

No where does this sign say "speak English or Leave" and it does not even say "Legals Only"

What it Does say is "ALL LEGALS SERVED"

If you want to know more, please go to our website:

I could retype it all here......but it would really take way too long.

One more thing .....I heard that the Lawsuit that is being brought against Hazleton is being brought by an illegal immigrant. Is that REALLY true?? How can that be possible??