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Let federal government handle immigration issues
September 21, 2006

There has been a great deal of concern regarding the Hazleton style ordinance on illegal immigrants that came under consideration by the Mount Pocono Borough Council. A coalition of civil rights, other organizations and individuals formed in Monroe County to oppose the ordinance. The Monroe County Committee to Stop the Hazleton Style Ordinance is concerned that passing such an ordinance would result in making anyone perceived to be an immigrant a potential target for discrimination based on their race, skin, color, national origin or ancestry.

I want to make it very clear that the members of the coalition do not condone or support illegal immigration and that they are equally concerned about the estimated 12 million to 20 million illegal immigrants reported to be in our country. However, we feel this problem should be the concern of the federal government and not have to be taken on by local municipalities.

We commend the borough council of Mount Pocono for its attempt to send a clear message to Washington regarding the illegal immigrant problem in the country, but we are also relieved that they have tabled their ordinance indefinitely. We were concerned that should they have adopted the ordinance, their attempt to send a message would result in creating a racial divide and tension in our community. Hazleton is already facing a number of these problems as a result of the ordinance they passed.

Recently, Stephen A. Glassman, Chairman of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, wrote the following as a part of an op-ed piece regarding his views of the immigration debate:

"The Commission's assessment of various legislative initiatives and, more pointedly, our assessment of the tone and tenor of much of the public debate, suggests that the impetus for action comes from the same type of prejudice and fear that has had such demonstrable and unfortunate consequences in the past.

"Much of the proposed legislation and public debate is centered on punishing both those who are here illegally and those who provide them with employment, food and housing. Inevitably, these laws will unfairly ensnare many individuals who are living here legally and will encourage aggressive behavior against anyone perceived to be an illegal immigrant.

"Reform, to be truly effective, must be broader in its approach; punitive action, alone, will not solve the problem. It will simply encourage people to 'obey' these new laws by treating anyone who looks or sounds 'foreign' as if they are also 'illegal.' This is not only bad social policy. It is also unlawful under the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and other state and federal laws."

History has shown us that sometimes bad things come from people with good intentions. I am sure the members of the Mount Pocono Borough Council had good intentions regarding their proposed ordinance and regarding the message of a subsequent petition they are now sending to Washington in its stead.

However, I am equally sure that passage of a Hazleton Style Ordinance would result in major problems for our community and the people who live here.

The members of the Unity Coalition of the Poconos and the Monroe County Committee to Stop the Hazleton Style Ordinance are asking that this ordinance never be passed by the Mount Pocono Borough Council.

Robert C. Hillman is a retired Equal Opportunity manager for the Tobyhanna Army Depot. He co-chairs the Monroe County Committee to Stop the Hazleton Style Ordinance, and is a founder and long-time chairman of the Unity Coalition of the Poconos.