This isn't news to most of us here and yet it is worth repeating for new viewers. Also good to see the word spread around the country.
This was a letter from a reader.

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Highway is part of a plan to create North American state

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Executives of large corporations, their bankers, and their allies in Congress and the White House have worked together to export our manufacturing industries and their high-paying jobs to China, India and Mexico.

Now they need your tax money to get the goods from their foreign factories back to your hometown where income from jobs that now pay lower wages can buy their imported products. You see, there are not enough ports and highways to handle the flood of imports from their foreign factories. In the process, they want to hasten formation of The North American Union through construction of the necessary transportation infrastructure of new ports and the connecting NAFTA superhighway through Mexico, the United States and Canada. The NAU is a proposed merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States into a European Union-style superstate.

U.S. manufacturing has been made unprofitable through disincentives to production posed by excessive taxes and regulations, the effects of which are driving many businesses out of the country. Millions of jobs have been exported along with production.

As factories have closed in American towns, their jobs often reappear in China and Mexico. Increasingly, China is destroying our jobs with cheap goods produced by slave labor. The real crime is that the factories are encouraged to move to China, being subsidized by U.S. taxpayers through loans, credits and guarantees from the U.S. government. Your tax money is being given to the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the Overseas Private Investment Corp. for this purpose.

Our largest exports to China are empty cargo containers and American jobs. Containers are sent back to us with slave labor produced goods that undercut American businesses. According to a Washington Post article, "China is building close to 100 new container loading berths, each capable of shipping 250,000 containers a year, most of them to the U.S. Meanwhile, five berths are planned for the West Coast to receive them. Something's got to give."

And therein lies part of the reason the backers of the NAFTA super highway need more of your tax money. Now that they have moved most of the factories offshore, they must build more ports and highways to deliver this flood of slave labor produced goods to your local retailer.

According to planners of the NAFTA superhighway, many of these ports must be constructed in Mexico and Canada, the goods to them to be shipped to U.S. cities via corridors of the NAFTA super highway. Although the backers of this plan do need to get their foreign-made goods to market, their primary goal is to use this transportation system to integrate the economies of Mexico, Canada and the United States in their drive to merge these nations into the North American Union.

To learn more, do Google searches on "NAFTA super highway" and "NAFTA super highway map." Why have we not heard about this from Sens. Isakson or Chambliss or our members of Congress?

Say "no" to the NAFTA super highway and the North American Union.