Illegal Immigration Snafu: Hillary to Require Health Insurance Proof for Job

By Jackson Simpson
Sep 18, 2007 ... 6143.shtml

Hillary Clinton may have swerved into a big nightmare for her campaign. The Democratic frontrunner for president unveiled a very expensive and sweeping program that would require Americans to have health care insurance just like driver's are required to have proof of automobile insurance.

Illegal Immigration Snafu: Hillary to Require Health Insurance Proof for Job

It wasn't really clear what Hillary would have the government do to you if you don't buy the government mandated insurance, maybe they will set up a health care jail down at Guantanamo. But now Hillary has an idea and it will make life even tougher on illegal immigrants.


She said she could envision a day when "you have to show proof to your employer that you're insured as a part of the job interview — like when your kid goes to school and has to show proof of vaccination," but said such details would be worked out through negotiations with Congress. Okay - now what would the 20 million illegal aliens do that are now hanging out here in the US? No insurance - no job?

Would they no longer be able to get jobs? Hillary Clinton's failed efforts between 1992 and 1994 bruised and battered her co-presidency with her intern loving husband Bill Clinton and damaged their first presidency greatly. Now with her second try - she may have just alienated the Hispanic population with her efforts to push government health care. Hillary will backtrack on this soon.