White Bread U.S. Senator?

Fri, Feb 26, 2010
By Raoul Lowery Contreras

When it comes to political issues for Hispanics, jobs is number one. Much to President Obama’s consternation, comprehensive immigration reform ranks very high in Hispanic priorities right behind jobs.

Immigration reform brings us to how America is lied to by comprehensive immigration reform opponents.

J.D. Hayworth, former Arizona congressman, former radio talk show host, former sports news broadcaster and live and living liar typifies the lying cabal that is anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican and anti-the-U.S. Constitution (14th Amendment). His written views on natural born citizenship are counter to the Constitution and Supreme Court decisions reek of ethnic racism.

He has announced for the Arizona Republican U.S. Senate seat of longtime incumbent and former Presidential candidate John McCain. At his announcement Hayworth moves the Big Lie immigration football forward.

His continued and repetitive statement – aka BIG LIE – that Senator John McCain supported and sponsored “AMNESTYâ€