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One Reporter's Opinion – Mexico Against the Wall
George Putnam
Friday, Dec. 23, 2005
It is this reporter's opinion that at long last, America is as mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. This past week the House Rules Committee was deciding which of more than 120 proposed amendments would be included in action to close our porous borders.

At last, our government is listening to those of us who have used the word "invasion" – those of us who have said the president and the Congress of the United States are not doing their duty to protect us against invasion.

Some courageous legislators are actually using the words "invasion" and "impeachment," challenging our elected officials to uphold their oaths of office and to defend us against invasion.

Among the proposals heard:

limiting birthright citizenship to the children of U.S. citizens or permanent legal aliens;
requiring proof of citizenship for federal elections;
cutting foreign aid to countries that don't cooperate on immigration laws;
and the one that has caused a real ruckus: building a fence along the border, using military personnel to help secure the borders.

That last one infuriated the Mexican government. Vicente Fox, the Mexican president, denounced the U.S. measure, later passed by the House of Representatives. Fox called it "SHAMEFUL."

His foreign secretary, Luis Ernesto Derbez, echoed Fox's complaints. "Mexico is not going to bear, is not going to permit, and it will not allow a stupid thing like this wall," said he. "What is to be done is to raise a storm of criticism. Turn the international community against the plan!" shouted Derbez.

Is it any wonder that the official Mexican government is beside itself? After all, in just the last year, Mexican illegals sent $20 billion back to Mexico (the nation's second-largest source of foreign currency after oil exports).

The latest news is that the Mexican government has hired Allyn & Co., a Dallas-based public relations firm, to help improve Mexico's image and stem the immigration backlash. Mexico is recruiting U.S. church, community and business groups to oppose the proposed wall. And the P.R. firm is planning a series of radio spots: "You have your rights! Demand them!" the ads read.

But at last we are serious: The House bill passed by a 239-182 vote, and the 700 miles of additional wall will stretch through parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

All of this is taking our attention and action almost 30 years too late. I recall the late, great Barbara Jordan, chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. She called for the immediate development of a computerized registry to establish eligibility to work in the U.S.

Said Jordan: "Illegal aliens don't have the right to be here. They broke the law to get here. They never intended to become a part of our social community. They are not entitled to benefits." Jordan proclaimed: "They should be deported."

And then the congresswoman told us that the Mexican government planned to sharply increase the presence of its soldiers, police, officers, naval patrols and immigration checkpoints along its own southern border – an unprecedented effort on the part of the Mexican government to choke off the flows of illegal immigrants, drugs and guns entering Mexico from Central America.

Jordan said, those many years ago, "Why is it okay for Mexico to protect THEIR borders with their military, but Americans who suggest the same for OUR borders are demonized as xenophobes, racists and in violation of human rights?"

Is it any wonder Vicente Fox and his foreign secretary are going nuts over our plan to put up the wall? Even the president, Vicente's longtime friend, who in the past used the public relations firm employed by Mexico, is beginning to see the light.

Upon concluding his recent trip to Arizona, in which he once again tried to sell the idea of a massive illegal alien amnesty and the admission of millions of additional foreign guest workers, he was driven along the Mexican border. Listen to what our president said after completing his brief journey: "IT'S DANGEROUS HERE. I MEAN, THERE'S NO OTHER WAY TO LOOK AT IT AND THAT'S WHY THESE FOLKS [speaking of the Border Patrol] NEED MORE RESOURCES AND MORE AGENTS TO HELP THEM, AND THAT'S WHAT WE'RE PROVIDING."

Every year Time magazine tells us, "Three million illegal aliens are streaming across the border – illegals opening bank accounts, obtaining driver's licenses, securing home mortgages and matricula consular cards and protection using our own government to continue to break our laws." The president was right when he said, "IT'S DANGEROUS HERE. ... THERE'S NO OTHER WAY TO LOOK AT IT."

We are the dumping ground for sick, impoverished Mexicans. The billions of dollars illegals are costing our taxpayers for education, health care and incarceration each day is creating a system that is remaking America, Americans, perhaps humanity itself. The prominent intellectual Francis Fukuyama has written of the world and the U.S. and the end of history. He says that if we continue with the leadership we have, if they remain blind guides, globalists without a clue, we are at the end of history – our own. It's up to you and me – us – to prove him wrong.