Huckabee and Paul: The Secret of Grassroots Appeal
Cliff Kincaid

Many in the media are intrigued by Rep. Ron Paul’s success in the presidential campaign but usually focus on how much money he is raising. In terms of issues, some think he is rising in the polls because of his opposition to the Iraq War. That may be a factor, but my research convinces me that he is doing well primarily because he has a traditional Republican message of returning to smaller and less expensive government. More than that, however, he is talking about the threat posed by global institutions.

The media, which adore the U.N. and believe it is the last best hope of mankind, do not recognize the appeal of Ron Paul’s no-global-government message. Most reporters probably think it is rather silly. But it is becoming a major issue among the conservative Republican grassroots. It is so big that it could sink Senator John McCain, who is on record in support of U.S. participation in the U.N.’s notorious International Criminal Court (ICC).

The ICC could become a major issue, regardless of what happens in the presidential campaign, as the $6.4 billion Left-wing MacArthur Foundation has indicated that it will spend tens or perhaps even hundreds of millions of dollars in a campaign to force U.S. acceptance of the ICC and “raise the profile of international justice issues during 2008.â€