Huntsman: Don't punish children of illegal immigrants
By Catalina Camia
Sep 15, 2011
Updated 2h 12m ago

GOP presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman said today he's with his rival Rick Perry when it comes to providing in-state tuition to some children of illegal immigrants.

"I don't want to punish young kids for the sins of their parents," said Huntsman, during an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

Perry took heat at this week's Republican debate for some of his views on border security and immigration. The Texas governor is leading Gallup and other national polls for the GOP nomination.

During Monday's debate, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum took exception with Perry for signing a Texas law that allows some children of illegal immigrants to obtain in-state tuition at colleges and universities.

Huntsman, as governor of Utah, signed legislation in 2005 creating the Utah Driving Privilege card for people without Social Security numbers. The card granted driving privileges to illegal immigrants, but could not be used as legal identification.

At the debate, Huntsman said Perry's opposition to a fence that would run from California to Texas along the border with Mexico is "nearly treasonous."

USA TODAY's Alan Gomez has more about immigration and how it's playing in the GOP race in this story. ... Stories%29