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Hypocrites on the Hill? (or worse)

C. H. McMillan
March 25, 2006
WOW – a Democrat playing the religious card in the immigration debate!

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton promised to block any legislation that would make being in the U.S. illegally a felony rather than the current civil offense. “It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures, because this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself." What has happened to the “Separation” [of church & State] posture of Democrat liberals?

Sen. Harry Reid squawking like a Banty Rooster his refrain of “Filibuster – Filibuster” if amnesty isn’t included in a final Senate bill to appease his Union contributors.

Majority Leader Sen. Bill Frist advancing S. 2454 promoted as an “enforcement first” bill that turns out to be little different than the “free pass” bills of Specter, McCain/Kennedy and Domenici.

Illegal immigration is a matter of law, not “good samaritanism” or humanitarian values. We have immigration law that allows exceptions – political refuge, temporary catastrophic natural disaster safe harbor, religious persecution, etc., that give our system flexibility, in addition to application for naturalization in the historic and legal manner. However, if you decriminalize illegal entry or give amnesty you invite escalation of the border chaos that exists today, which spawned the current debate.

The problem exists because all Presidential administrations since enactment of The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (called "IRCA" or the 1986 Act) that granted amnesty to 3.5 million former bracero farm laborers, have abandoned or downplayed the Federal Government’s Constitutional obligation to control immigration at the borders and ports and to deport those here without visas or work permits. The fact that we have between 11 and 20 million illegal aliens in the country today is the result of not enforcing the law; it makes no difference if the penalty is civil or criminal if the penalty is going to be ignored. How do you strike a distinction between the Catholic church’s desire to succor Mexican migrants and the possibility that Muslim clerics might use the same exception to harbor terrorists? The reality is that: You Can’t! So, the solution is that control must be exerted over who is admitted into the country, for what purpose and for how long.

To that end, last fall, the US House of Representatives considered out of control immigration, open borders and their impact on National Security resulting in the passage of an “Enforcement Only” Bill (H.R. 4437), introduced by Rep. Sensenbrenner (R-WI), which they forwarded to the Senate. This bill included new border security provisions but relied largely on existing provisions of law to encourage the return of illegal migrants to their home country and discourage continued abuse of our sovereign right to control immigration. Leaders in the House believed and legislated that enforcement of existing law must precede any revamping of immigration quotas or requirements; a position consistent with, and reverent to, the rule of law upon which our Republic is based. They concluded that it would be unjust and unfair, to the thousands currently in application for immigration and to those who have properly navigated the naturalization process and been legally granted citizenship, if border-jumping criminals were rewarded with unearned citizenship!

Fast forward to the deliberations of the last two weeks in the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Border Security and Citizenship and the public statements of Sen. Clinton (quoted above), John McCain and others in favor of giving that “free pass” to citizenship. Senators are trying to avoid enforcing existing law as a matter of political expediency – just as the President has, by legislating to magically change the illegal status of law breaking “migrants” by including an Amnesty provision so the problem just goes away without having to confront it. Consider President Bush’s statements last week “that America can be a welcoming and lawful society”. This is probably true of our society but it is defiantly not an option for our government, which is bound by the Constitution and adherence to laws passed by the Congress, not the whim of a citizen public, which they are ignoring anyway. Poll after poll demonstrates the overwhelming sentiment of American citizens - across all political spectrums, is against amnesty and in favor of enforcement! (see: ... ml#amnesty -- or --

Most of the Senators; Specter, Kennedy, McCain, Domenici – the Judiciary Committee leaders advocating Amnesty, were “on watch” while this horde invaded us yet they refuse to address the fact that none of the attendant serious security, economic, environmental and social problems created by illegal aliens are corrected or even moderated by “legalization”. Drafting new legislation to avoid the responsibility of enforcing the laws of prior legislation is a shameful cop-out. This type of legislation by denial is reprehensible! It is a complete sell-out of working, taxpaying American Citizens whose interests should come first and foremost.

The projected change in population dynamics that will result from any of the Senate Bills being considered should frighten any American wage earner, entitlement beneficiary or environmentalist. No matter what the catch title happens to be – green card, blue card, Temporary Seasonal Visa or outright Amnesty and citizenship, all will result in 20 to 40 MILLION more people competing for jobs, SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, health care, housing, education, highway lanes, gas, food, water, open space, security and just plain peace and quiet. The predictable and evolving heaviest burden will fall on the skilled working classes who have seen their jobs exported by “outsourcing” and the transfer of manufacturing plants and jobs to Latin America by NAFTA & CAFTA trade treaties. As skilled workers compete for more menial jobs, our Nation is faced with a "standard of living suicide" by importing masses of unskilled and uneducated laborers to compete and further depress wages.

If you don’t believe peace & quiet is seriously at risk; reflect on recent mass marches of illegal and their supporters [the National Chamber of Commerce, unions, churches, Mexican reconquista organizations like the National Council of La Rasa – ['The Race'], and out of touch politicos such as Clinton, Harry Reid, McCain, etc.] in Chicago, Los Angeles, Portland OR, Milwaukee, Phoenix (20K Friday 3/24/06) and the work stoppage of 80K in Georgia. Are these precursors of violent confrontations to come? [Fox News 3/25/06, “The Los Angeles demonstration led to fights between black and Hispanic students at one high school,…”]. What does this harbinger for the country? – Should we be anticipating the economic, religious and class discord (or is that anarchy?), that ravaged France last December and again this past week? Class warfare isn’t something Americans should be relishing, but it is the future probability at issue in the resolution of immigration disfunctionality.

By all accounts, the Senate Judiciary Sub-Committee and other outspoken Senators wish to decide the issue along politically expedient lines paying no heed to the will of the citizen public they represent, where poll after poll demonstrates the overwhelming sentiment of American citizens - across all political spectrums, is against amnesty and in favor of enforcement!

(see: -- or --

Ordinary citizens recognize this invasion for what it is; an attempt by Mexico to manipulate our border and political process to gain advantages and benefits for one quarter of their population (23 million), now believed living illegally in the United States. “Fox loves it as his ‘insurgents’ grow by three million annually on U.S. soil.” (source: Time Magazine, Sept. 20, 2004, America’s Broken Borders)

They want – and feel entitled to, benefits from the U. S. that Mexican law denies to aliens in their own country. Nice work, if you can get it, and they are likely to if American Citizens, who’s standard of living is at risk, don’t scream like stuck hogs and overwhelm the President and Senate with protests of greater magnitude and better organization than they are currently being bombarded with form amnesty advocates.

Thoughts of impeachment and charges of treason are not out of order here!

By the accepted standard of “rendering [the enemy] aid and comfort” the alien amnesty bills being debated in the US Senate are treasonous; for this is an invasion of significant numbers and an assault on American culture!

If any guest worker program for 12 to 20 million admittees passes as proposed, up to 60 million Mexicans will likely be added to Americas population within 10 years by the “tag-a-long factor”. Assuming half of 12 million newly legalized Mexican workers bring in six million wives each of whom is accompanied by at least three children, as allowed under Specter, McCain/Kennedy or Frist’s bills, 18 million more Spanish speaking kids will be injected into unprepared, under funded, failing school systems. If half the single Mexicans admitted beget a child in the next ten years, another six million students are added to the system.

The really scary thing is, the numbers projected could be double that if the U.S. Census estimate of 11 million illegal aliens is faulty, as some suspect. (see investment firm Bear/Sterns report, UNDERGROUND LABOR FORCE 1/03/05) [available @] where the number of illegal aliens is placed at nearly double (approaching 20M).

To the best of my knowledge, the Senate Subcommittee has invited no expert input as to the cultural and economic consequences of such overwhelming numbers; nor have they sought sociologist’s analysis of European immigration policy failures so as to avoid incorporating those festering pitfalls in US policy revision. Can we really allow legislation, politically polarized - motivated by activism - born out of default, desperation and denial, which violates the rule of law and is abhorrent to the Constitution, to pass as anything less than treason?

If a Congress passes laws that facilitate an invasion of our country, and which allows the ethnic distribution of our population to be dynamically changed over-night in such a way as to threaten our culture, does the legislative cover immunize the treason?

I think not! Treason by legislative fiat, is still, nonetheless, TREASON and should be punishable against any and all supporters. However, the only way to have impact is if We The People hold our Representatives accountable for their pending betrayal.