South Texas businesses receive audits from ICE

LAREDO, TX (KGNS) - After reports of businesses in the Rio Grande Valley being approached by federal agents requesting hiring documents for their employees, several people say local establishments have also been getting similar notices.

ICE says this is done in order to determine whether or not they are complying with federal laws that require employers to verify the identity and the employment eligibility of their employees.

Within three days of receiving the notice, employers must present their I-9's.

It is then that ICE will inspect the business for compliance.

Several things can happen after that investigation, including charges of criminal and civil penalties.

The federal agency has confirmed that the operation will continue throughout south Texas.

We did reach out to several local businesses and asked if they had been contacted by ICE but all said they had not been approached by the agency as of yet.

According to ICE, the penalties businesses can face range from about $200 to about $22,000 per violation.