I have had so many PM's about what is going on down here in Quito, Ecuador that I wanted to post this message. We actually ran out of patients on Friday around 5:00 p.m. local time. Friday night we were supposed to leave, but our planes were to go to Florida first since about half of the group live along the East coast. Well, Tropical Storm Arlene took that option off the table. So we had a party last night instead.
I got to speak with some of the locals at the party. The mayor of Quito, some local doctors, Red Cross people, and some citizens that came to thank us for not leaving the other night. This is what I found out:

The government here is headed by another Bushite. They want to go along with CAFTA. The people, headed by the "leftist", don't. So that's why we had what went down here the other night. They bombed the Citigroup building as the first salvo in a civil war. Remember the Sandinistas? Same thing. They don't want CAFTA because they see it as involunatary servitude. SLAVERY!!!! We got into a very deep conversation with these people and I won't bore you with some of the ancillary things. Here is the deal:
They are going to continue the bombings. There is going to be a march here Monday and the numbers I hear is hundreds of THOUSANDS. They asked us why don't we march on D.C. about the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in our country. Of course shy guy that I am , I told them because Americans are not as brave as they are here. We have house payments, soccer games, heck the NBA finals to tend to. We have been lulled into thinking our "represenatives" will "do the right thing". The people here have nothing and thus nothing to lose. They don't want to immigrate to the U.S. They want food, education, and medicine for their children. Sound familiar?

I see their point and I support it. We have NOTHING and EVERYTHING TO LOSE. Example: Some have homes that are paid for. Yet, we continue to pay property taxes, no children in school and we pay school district taxes, private insurance and we pay hospital district taxes. The school taxes go to the education of the "Anchor Babies". The hospital district taxes (maybe unique to TEXAS) go to treat the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and harvest the anchor babies. The property taxes go for providing spanish ballots, housing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in our jails and prisons, ESL programs, and other meaningless bovine droppings. Our "freedom" is being taken from us by Jorge & Company, or as one of the nurses from North Carolina calls them "The Dalton Gang", EVERYDAY.

Look, we are going to have a revolution in America, yes right here in River City, Petticoat Junction, Mayberry. Being down here has shown me this. I am telling you right now that it is going to kick off in TEXAS with the MMP project if what i am being told is true, and it's not secret stuff. We all know that the Mexican Army has been visible to those that were in Arizona, so this is no conspiracy, black helicopter stuff. IF, and that is a qualified IF, one shot is fired across the border from the south side toward the citizens in of or those in TEXAS in October, IT IS ON!!!! Yes, I hope it can be peacefull and every one goes away in one piece. However, I know my fellow TEXANS too. So I don't have the luxury of being NAIVE.

I am not braging, and certainly this is nothing to brag about, but TEXANS, by nature, are violent people. We always have been and we always will be. TEXAS is a whole other animal as states go. As I have stated before, TEXAS is the ONLY state that was once a NATION. Whereas there were no Mexicans in say, Maine or Idaho 50 years ago, or maybe even 5 years ago, there have ALWAYS been Mexicans in TEXAS. We fought a war with Mexico for independence in the 1830's. March 2nd is TEXAS INDEPENDENCE DAY. So to think that Gilchrist and Simcox are going to be able to "tame" us to just call in blah, blah, blah is going to happen here is just not realistic. While I welcome all of you that can to come here in October, I am giving you FAIR WARNING that this ain't Arizona. There is great HATRED here for Mexico, Mexicans (citizens & ILLEGALS), and government. You come here, you take your life in your own hands. You won't find Aunt Bee and Opie sitting out on the porch with iced tea and cake. You will find soldiers from Ft. Hood, the largest military base in the free world, there. Ranchers that OWN the land along the border that will kill as soon as sneeze, the Aryan Brotherhood, Hells Angels, LaRaza, MUCHA, kooks, gadflies, gang members, veterans,and thousands of very ANGRY everyday TEXANS for whom this whole issue is just like 1836 all over again. Elvis has left the building. And no Dorothy, you will not be in Kansas anymore.
So the rest of you are playing catch up. You are just now having the sniffles while we have had the full blown virus for years. Yall that live in Boston have a fever, we have cancer. So you think your rash in Michigan is bad, we have MRSA. Got a runny nose in Maryland, Rhode Island, Deleware. We have AIDS. Now that I am sufficently fired up again, I am going to go now. It was 5:30 a.m. here in Quito when I started writing this.
I am going over to the home of the Briones family and have breakfast, finish packing my stuff, and come home, such as it is. The Princton and Harvard "physicans" are going to have to pack the plane. The Briones family has Jack Daniels as a breakfast guest this morning and I plan to have a serious conversation with that distinguished SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN!!!!!! Thanks for the PM's. Yes, I am o.k. The real question i pose this morning is ARE YOU?????

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."
(Paris Sorbonne,1910)

Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have. Barry Goldwater


I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. Barry Goldwater