Attached, you shall find the opinion of a local idiot who writes a weekly column in one of our local throw aways. As you can see by the comments, local residents are not amused. Of course, the OC Register never having met an illegal invader it didn't love, was all too happy to publish this garbage. Leave a comment if you like. I post under thomas09.

Underprivileged Mexican immigrants – legal or otherwise – are everywhere in Huntington Beach. At car washes, behind the mowers, in kitchens and in strawberry fields, they toil at jobs we won't do for wages we can't live on. And, yet, many people resent their being here at all.

Some of those whom I know are here legally; many are not. And, frankly, I don't care.

Those who took horrendous risks to get into our country and who live in constant fear of deportation are here to build a better life for themselves and their children. They are the bravest and most industrious of the thousands of Mexicans living in poverty. And they fill a huge gap in America's manual labor pool. Yet, many are met with disdain, mistrust and even hatred.

Unfortunately, it is politically expedient to be tough on illegal immigration. But anti-illegal immigration activists ignore three historical, religious and humanitarian building blocks of America:

1. California and New Mexico territory was once owned by Mexico. President James K. Polk forced its sale to the United States by winning the Mexican-American War, which he provoked in the first place. Source:

2. These immigrants are made in the image and likeness of God, and he surely expects us to have compassion for them.

3. As Emma Lazerus states on the Statue of Liberty, these hard-working Mexican-Americans are the poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free. We are America, and we should be proud to "lift our lamp beside the golden door" for them.

There is no place for hatred aimed at undocumented Mexican-Americans in our hometown. And no matter how people like to dress it up politically, that's exactly what it is.

Freelance columnist Bill Borden lives in Huntington Beach and writes a weekly opinion piece for the Orange County Register's Huntington Beach Wave community newspaper. He may be reached at