Illegal alien: "It’s not easy to find a job like that”
SEPTEMBER 12, 2012


On Monday, a Tacoma News Tribune article spun quite a sympathetic tale of Oscar Campos Estrada, an illegal alien currently incarcerated at Tacoma's Northwest Detention Center, facing deportation proceedings. It seems that the Mexican national was arrested for driving on a suspended drivers' license, "an offense he’d been busted for several times before," according to the article.

The reporter, Lewis Kamb, went on to paint the sad tale of how Estrada's incarceration and possible deportation has placed a terrible strain on his ex-wife (also an illegal alien), current girlfriend (status unknown) and the three children he has fathered between the two women.

Just in case a sob story about illegal aliens struggling to get by on taxpayer-funded food stamps, or their complaints over OUR legal system are not enough to send your blood pressure through the roof, this next bit of information may just have you dialing 911 for help...

Kamb writes: "Oscar also worried that, should he be released, he wouldn’t have a job to go back to. He’d been making good money – $14 an hour – at a cabinet-making shop in Lakewood."

"'It’s not easy to find a job like that,' Oscar said."

That's right...this man who has been living in this country illegally and making children who attend taxpayer-funded schools, was also working illegally at a rate of $14 an hour, at a time when tens of millions of Americans cannot find any work and continue to lose their homes in record numbers.

Last week, the latest jobs report revealed that the percentage of working-age Americans actually participating in the labor market dropped to 63.7 percent in August, the lowest recorded rate since May 1983.

In fact, as the San Francisco Chronicle points out, the number of working-age Americans without a job now, is now more than 88 million...a truly staggering figure.