Arizona’s SB 1070 will go into force next Thursday

Great News from Arizona: Illegal Aliens Say Adios, Americans Say Gracias!

By John Lillpop
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Barring a preliminary injunction by some warped leftist judge, Arizona’s SB 1070 will go into force next Thursday.

If that blessed event comes to pass, the Grand Canyon state will become the nation’s leader in efforts to restore grace and honor to the rule of law, American sovereignty, common sense, and the U.S. Constitution, all of which have been vulgarly spat upon by Marxists now occupying Washington, D.C.

As reported by (reference 1), in part, illegal aliens are doing Arizona a huge favor by leaving the state early: ... 3220100725

“PHOENIX, July 25 (Reuters) - Nicaraguan mother Lorena Aguilar hawks a television set and a few clothes on the baking sidewalk outside her west Phoenix apartment block.

“A few paces up the street, her undocumented Mexican neighbor Wendi Villasenor touts a kitchen table, some chairs and a few dishes as her family scrambles to get out of Arizona ahead of a looming crackdown on illegal immigrants.

“Everyone is selling up the little they have and leaving,â€