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Friday, July 28, 2006

Illegal border traffic shifting
As federal patrols concentrate on Arizona, San Diego and two Texas sites show an increase in attempts to cross.

The Orange County Register

WASHINGTON – The number of people being caught trying to enter the U.S. illegally has dropped slightly this year. But the latest federal figures also show that the California and Texas borders are seeing increased traffic.

The numbers from the U.S. Border Patrol reveal that illegally crossing the border is just as deadly as last year. And that an increasing number of undocumented immigrants are being picked up near death by the border patrol's search and rescue teams.

Such data are often used by both sides in the congressional illegal immigration debate. Some lawmakers say the only answer is to put even more agents along the border. Others say increased manpower must be accompanied by a new legal way for migrant workers to enter and work here. The political deadlock has led to two vastly different bills being passed in the House and Senate and no meeting of the minds in sight.

Ever since federal officials cracked down on the San Diego and Texas sectors in the 1990s, Arizona gradually has become the focal point for illegal crossers. The Tucson area still has more illegal immigrants coming over the border than any other single sector.

But the most recent numbers show an upswing in illegal traffic in San Diego and two Texas areas – El Paso and Laredo.

"We're just making it harder for them to cross at Tucson," said Maria Valencia, a spokeswoman for the Border Patrol.

Valencia said as the number of agents grows all along the border, federal officials hope it will become more difficult for people to cross.

But those who have made it their mission to look out for and try to help those illegal crossers who are sick and dying say that all the beefed-up enforcement has done is spur the illegal immigrants to make a more treacherous journey. Border Patrol officials agree.

It led last year to a record number of deaths along the border – 472, according to federal records – and the numbers are close to being on the same pace this year.

The 193 border agents who make up the rescue teams respond to the 80, 30-foot-high rescue beacons placed along the most frequented illegal immigrant routes. Someone in distress can press a button to signal the nearest Border Patrol station for help. The number of rescues has increased most in Texas.

"We weren't finding them before," Valencia said. The agents are trained in first aid, can provide intravenous fluids and take a migrant to a hospital. Once they are stabilized, the illegal immigrants are processed and returned home.

"A bunch of these guys are real angels as far as I'm concerned," said the Rev. Robin Hoover, head of Humane Borders, an Arizona-based group that puts water along migrant routes. He said when they find people in distress, they often call the Border Patrol.

Hoover said that rather than eliminate the flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S., the increased border patrols have mainly "pushed the migrants into the more dangerous areas.

"Fifteen years ago migrants walked around the end of the fence in the town, got on a bus and disappeared," Hoover said. "Now they have to walk for three and a half or four days."

Congress has consistently raised the Border Patrol budget and has been impatient with the pace at which new agents are being hired.

President Bush recently asked for 6,000 National Guard troops to go to the border to do the kind of maintenance and fence-building that could free up agents to catch those trying to illegally enter the country.