Illegal immigrant controversy in New Haven

by News Channel 8's Darren Duarte
Posted May 31, 2007
7:10 PM

(New Haven-WTNH) _ The idea of passing out municipal ID cards to illegal's has some people making the charge that New Haven is becoming a safe haven for illegal immigrants.

The cards would allow undocumented residents to receive basic services at banks and libraries. City Hall has been inundated with e-mails from people against the cards.

Ted Pechinski who is with the group Citizens for Immigration Reform said, "Tell me how it's going to benefit the legal citizens of this country, of this city."

The group has posted flyers all over the city and Mayor DeStefano says their literature is a form of intimidation.

"This is hate-based literature. It's done to inspire fear and to make people feel better about themselves by having someone else to blame," said Mayor DeStefano.

"I hate anyone who calls me a bigot. I am looking out for the American citizen," said Pechinski.

Angelo Reyes, a Fair Haven businessman, disagrees. He says many of his customers are undocumented immigrants.

"They have a right to their freedom of speech but I think they're wrong on this one. They're not the ones out there doing all the labor work," said Reyes.

The mayor says that private funding is behind the cards and threats will not stop him from distributing them.

"If a group wants to debate immigration policy that is fair game. We can debate immigration policy but we don't make ourselves better by tearing each other down," said Mayor DeStefano.