Illegal-immigrant drug dealer gets 60-year sentence
By Tom Treweek Staff Writer //

Posted on Tuesday, November 27, 2007

BENTONVILLE — Carlos Carrera-Perez hung his head as he told Circuit Judge Tom Keith that he had no excuse for his actions.

The humble posture did not sway Keith, who described the defendant, accused of dealing cocaine, as a criminal who came to this country illegally for the sole purpose of selling drugs. Before banging his gavel, Keith went beyond the prosecution’s 50-year recommended sentence, increasing it by 10 years.

Attorneys in Carrera-Perez’s case gave widely varied descriptions of the defendant. Defense attorney Janet Riefkohl-Spencer said he was simply a father trying to care for a sick child. She tried to argue that he was a first-time offender, but Keith cut her off.

“ It’s not his first offense, â€