by H. Millard (c) 2010 -- June 15, 2010

Back in the early West, there were various towns that lived on criminality. Many of the corrupt "upstanding citizens" of such towns supported leaving the local criminals alone. It was good for business.

When you read stories about Wyatt Earp and other early lawmen, what you're often reading--but, maybe not realizing it--is the history of how a few people had the backbone to take on those towns that were earlier versions of sanctuary cities.

No doubt, the same kumbaya arguments we're hearing now from lefties, about how illegals and citizens are living together in various communities and that illegal aliens are our neighbors, our co-workers, our students, and how we should all just be pals, yada, yada, yada; were made back then about the criminals of that day.

Today, many sanctuary cities and those who support them really are the modern equivalents of those hole-in-the-wall towns and the so-called civic leaders of those towns.

And, those who are fighting against illegal aliens are often the equivalents of Wyatt Earp and other early lawmen who brought law to lawless areas of this nation.

It really is no more complicated than that, and anyone who has any understanding of truth, justice and, yes, the American Way, instinctively understands this.

We are a nation of laws, and those who ignore our laws are outlaws.

It doesn't matter if these outlaws are mayors, governors, senators or even the president. Know them by their actions.

But, more than this, the laws concerning immigration are designed to protect the rights of citizens. Without such laws, what citizens have built in this country, that makes it a place where citizens can pursue happiness, will soon evaporate and will turn citizens into frightened pantywaists hiding in their homes as their streets are taken over by the criminals (and that's already happening in many cities).

Now, some lefty outlaws in government want to change the laws so that what is now illegal, will be legal. They want to give amnesty to millions of their fellow outlaws. They want the entire U.S. to be a hole-in-the-wall nation.

Citizens must resist this.

As citizens, we have the right to demand that our borders be made secure and we have the right to determine who can who can't immigrate to this nation. This isn't negotiable.

We need more citizens like Wyatt Earp, and we need them now.
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H. Millard is a California writer

http://www.americanpatrol.com/COLUMNIST ... 0Wall.html