Lou Dobbs Tonight
Monday, March 10, 2008

Barack Obama is in Mississippi today, where he appears to have
a strong lead going into tomorrow’s primary. Hillary Clinton is
focusing on her own strong state—Pennsylvania. She has a solid
lead there, but there are still six weeks to go.

We’ll have the latest from the campaign trail, plus:

* High-tech companies are telling the presidential candidates
of both parties that they want more H1-b visas, and the
candidates seem eager to comply. The deadline for companies to
submit applications for visas is April 1. If this year is
anything like last year, it will be a frenzy as companies fight
for the 65,000 available visas.

* There's no question that greed fed the housing bubble that
has now led to a financial crisis. But whose greed?
Countrywide’s disgraced CEO says his company bears no
responsibility for the housing crisis. He blames falling
housing prices. Others blame the Wall Street banks who were
selling and reselling mortgage-backed securities. But the
common denominator is the lack of regulation of the mortgage

* As if the subprime mortgage crisis, rising energy prices, and
the employment meltdown aren’t hurting middle-class Americans
enough, now food costs are rising to their highest levels in
more than a decade.

* Transportation Secretary Mary Peters is out again today
touting the benefits of the cross border trucking program that
gives Mexican trucks access to our highways—violating a
Congressional vote. But the Teamsters Union is saying enough is

Lou’s new radio program, the Lou Dobbs Show, debuted last week.
Join us weekdays from 3-6 p.m. Eastern, for a look at news and
politics aimed at independent thinkers. Check your local
listings at LouDobbsRadio.com, or listen live online.

Today, Lou will be joined by former New York City Mayor Ed Koch
to discuss his new book. And Family Research Council President
Tony Perkins and Bishop Harry Jackson will be on to discuss
faith and politics.

Lou’s book INDEPENDENTS DAY is now on sale in bookstores and on
Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. In Independents Day, Lou
issues a rallying cry to American citizens eager for a change,
focusing particularly on the critical issues and challenges of
the 2008 election.