May 28, 2010 09:50PM CST
Messages For May 28, 2010 : Subsections

Published 05/28/2010 - 1:22 p.m. CST By Tony Elliott

Judging from the feedback on my last article "ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION ISSUE NOW AN ISSUE OF WAR," I find that most refuse to accept the brutal reality of the truth regarding this issue and will try anything to sugar coat the problem by thinking up excuses for the benefits of having millions of Illegal Immigrants here in the U.S.

The idea that Illegal Immigrants pay taxes via deductions from their pay checks, sales taxes and other taxes such as gasoline taxes as a benefit to our country is an inane point since the cost to the U.S. taxpayer by supporting their medical, housing, food stamp and, welfare payments, is astoundingly higher than anything they may contribute to the U.S. This does not even began to address the whole picture of costs to Americans in what we pay to keep them incarcerated in jails and prisons, the number of police necessary to fight the increase in crimes and the higher auto and medical insurance premiums due to their increasing the risks for insurance companies by using our medical facilities and roads irresponsibly.

We citizens also shell out billions annually to the public school system in educating millions of students whose parents are Illegal Immigrants. This is destructive in itself because as it is now students are discouraged from any show of Patriotism for the U.S. and criticized by faculty and Hispanic students for wearing or showing American Patriotism anywhere on campus.

The 90% Hispanic crime rate I mentioned can be disputed by those satisfied with black and white statistical numbers. However one will arrive at that same percentage rate of 90% if the numbers are examined extensively. The main gray area showing this is the fact that in some areas of the country both whites and Hispanics are classified as Caucasian in tabulating crimes by racial numbers. Of course most of these Hispanics are either Illegal Immigrants or those with an association to them.

What I haven't heard from any of the comments is any ideas of solutions to the problem other than one suggesting the old worn out idea of Comprehensive Immigration Reform. This was done during the Reagan Administration and we have more of a problem today than at that time proving that idea as a dead issue.

The notion that it is a humanitarian situation where there are millions of people here Illegally and should be given the green light to stay as long as they want is one born out of pure civil and patriotic irresponsibility and a self imposed illiteracy of the true facts.

While the actual unemployment rate in this country remains at around 26% rather than the trumped up government released rate of 10% it makes no sense to have millions of Illegal Immigrant workers having jobs that natural born American citizens should have.

As far as this problem being a war is concerned I believe it is since the Mexican Army makes incursions into U.S. soil almost on a daily basis and has had shootouts with Border Patrol agents and American officials during some of these military operations. This fact can be verified by going to where testimonials from Border Patrol agents and others can be heard.

There are those who think I'm a racist for addressing this issue, but like any other problem one must face the facts and in the case of Illegal Immigration the fact is that most of them are indeed Mexican or of Hispanic heritage. This is an indisputable reality.

I do not see any American citizens burning the Mexican flag or condemning the Hispanic race in any rally's in support of Arizona's SB 1070 law or at any other anti Illegal Immigration gathering, but I see the burning of the American flag, racist remarks, and anger at Caucasian Americans in most all rally's and gatherings in support of Illegal Immigration. Thus it is those who are here illegally and those who support them who are the true racists.

If the desire to stay in this country and become citizens were the true goal of most Illegal Immigrants the before mentioned wouldn't even be an issue. People do not burn the flag and resent the citizens of a country they are interested in becoming citizens of.

To resolve the problem such facts must be realized and each and every Illegal Immigrant must go through a process of determination to become eligible for citizenship. The love of the U.S. must be one of the requirements as well as time spent in this country.

True American Patriots who love their country and respect the laws of the land simply do not appreciate being called racists by those who put their own race above all else and prove their prejudice on a daily basis in their actions.

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