Work Permits Granted to 28 Arrested in February ICE Raid
Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 2:54 PM

Many of the 28 workers arrested at Yamato Engine Specialists in Washington state have been released and granted temporary working papers. The move signals a reversal of ICE policy under former President Bush.

According to a report in the Bellingham Herald, many of the 28 arrested were released with documents saying, "that per the assistant United States attorney assigned to this case, all persons involved with the Yamato Engine Specialists ... should be afforded the benefit of deferred action and an employment authorization document, valid for the duration of this case."

ICE spokeswoman Lorie Dankers said that the workers were released and were given the option to receive work permits, but she declined any further comments.

February's raid contradicted what Obama had been saying about worksite enforcement raids on the campaign trail and the Administration and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano were quick to question the action.