Illegal immigration biggest problem in America ... 40303/1014
Murfreesboro, TN

To the editor,

The smokescreen thrown up by the insane media, the Democrats, and some Republicans via the erroneous poll data stating that the war in Iraq is the most important issue to Americans today is dead wrong. I haven't spoken to anyone who doesn't believe that the illegals flooding our country is the issue that we are most concerned about. Along with the illegals come Arab terrorists, spies, drug runners, murderers, thieves, gang-bangers, bums, thugs and disease-carriers bent on destroying our way of life.

Congress is deliberately defying the will of a huge majority of American citizens by allowing this culture clash boondoggle to occur and should be held fully accountable.

They are actually law breakers, not lawmakers, and if I were an elected official who swore an oath to uphold, defend and protect the laws of the United States and its people, I would be terrified and ashamed of my shirking of this solemn duty.

They obviously haven't read it yet, but our Constitution in Article I, section 8 states, "and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States," and further states, "To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions." It's still applicable!

We really need to rid our country of the two-party system and go to the parliamentary system such as England's. Then we can hoot them out of office. At least we might not have all the hatred of each other's party. It's worth a try, what?

Incidentally, those who stand by and let this desecration of our country happen are just as guilty as those who instigated it.

Remember this ... the Iraq war is only temporary; our culture, our sovereignty, our very existence, is forever.

Ken Duke

Maney Avenue