Take the Diseased GOP Back, Abandon It!
June 22, 2008 10:00 AM EST

What's in a name? Republican or Democrat? The major parties used to be clearcut on principles. Not anymore. In light of the last 20 years of Democratic and Republican leadership, the results have been dismal. President Bush's and Congress' ratings are at an all-time low.

Our Choices: We have the stumbling-over-words McCain, depending on which group he is speaking to, attempting to please the attendees by 'his record.' This, while Obama of the silky, silver tongue attracts an idolizing crowd of worshippers reminding me of those rock concert teenagers, screaming, pulling their hair out and fainting under the lights.

Is there a choice? Or, are we left with the axiom of voting for the 'lesser of two evils?' According to radio talk-show pundits like Rush Limbaugh, it's all about 'winning.' In other words, keep the establishment in place.

Not me. I'm giving up the idea that the Republican Party represents me. So what if Obama is elected! The only difference between Democrat and Republican is that one will move us faster than the other down the road to ruin --- a socialist democracy much like Europe.

Apathy is growing among citizens, but most voters will enter the November voting booths and go with the flow --- vote the way they always vote, the same-name party, you know, 'My Party, do or die.'

There's apathy for good reason. It is obvious that the two-party system is suffering a disease of the soul which can be traced back to the seats of power --- Washington, D.C. This long, drawn-out presidential campaign season has propelled citizens, who cannot abide either candidate, from their own respective parties.

Who do we vote for? McCain? Obama? The diehard Republicans will always vote the GOP way (I was once one of the crowd). Ditto for the Democrats. But there is a growing group of Independents out there who have come to the same conclusions many of us have. Big Government is corrupted and broken. Like Humpty Dumpty, even all the King's men and all the King's horses can't fix it.

The ongoing debacle in Congress and the President's administration has soured our stomachs. Do you think they've forgotten their purpose in going to the Capitol of the United States? Do they think we have short memories of what they've done? Or, Not Done?

Where's the major problems facing our nation? You know them --- National Debt (add $1.5 billion a day); Social Security and Tax reforms; Illegal Immigration; 4,000 dead -- not Iraq but along our border with Mexico; not to mention inflation and energy problems. Where's the seriousness of electing a leader who can steer our nation? The media has made a farce of it all.

The Republican Party soul is sick and blinded by the rot. The GOP platform is lacking in substance and once-upheld conservative principles are missing in action. Constitutional principles are no longer the focus. Do they even exist within the Party anymore?

Of course diehard, anti-McCain Republicans will probably 'sit out' this presidential election. But it's not that simple anymore. I want a political party, a President, a Congress, which abides by the U.S. Constitution; that the oath of office means something. Not the currently held status quo that government must grow and take care of us. The most obvious fact is that both major parties are no longer about keeping their oaths and abiding by the U.S. Constitution and haven't for the past 100 years.

Have we heard anything from McCain or Obama that we haven't heard from Congress for the last eight years? In other words, more of the same.

I think Joseph Farah of World Net Daily and others have the right idea. Farah's starting a 'None of the Above' movement which should catch on in this election season like no other.

The cancerous disease of the Republican Party's soul is progressive until it is treated and returned to health. The Party can't recover its soul until it is lost. The cure is to abandon it in order to renew and bring it back to health. The other axiom, 'win for the Party's sake,' hasn't worked too well, has it?
I recommend citizens explore the Libertarian and Constitution Parties. Bob Barr is running on the Libertarian ticket and Chuck Baldwin is running on the Constitution ticket. Baldwin's 'If I Were President' article is a winner, even if he only accomplished 10 percent of what he would like to do.They could do no worse to America than those current occupiers of our Capitol.

© 2008 Bonnie Alba