Looking for closure
By EMILY PREVITI - epreviti@nwnewsgroup.com
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Mary Lopez of Harvard visits the site near Poplar Grove where her daughter, Candace DeLara, and two other teens were killed in a car accident two years ago. The driver of the vehicle tested positive for cocaine shortly after the crash. He has been indicted on multiple charges, including reckless homicide, but remains at large. (Rebekah Raleigh photo)

MARENGO – Alma Dominguez spends most afternoons at home with her daughter. The two are close, although people often used to mistake Alma’s sister – the child’s aunt, Liliana – for the child’s mother.

The 4-year-old seems fearless, bounding barefoot into the bushes in the family’s front yard and crawling unnoticed into strangers’ cars stopped in their driveway. A similarly adventurous streak left Liliana determined to move to California, Alma said.

But Liliana never got to go. Two years ago, she and friends Candace DeLara and Leti Flores were on their way to a dance in Wisconsin when they were killed in a car accident. They were 16.

“[My daughter] talks about her all the time,â€